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以下为《Semi-analytic Function, Conjugate Analytic Function and Their Tremendous Influences》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 中国水利水电出版社
  • 9787517072881
  • 1版
  • 345854
  • 畸16开
  • 2018-12
  • 80
  • O 数理科学和化学
  • 本科
This book has comprehensively generalized analytical functions, proposed a new concept of semi-analytical functions, conjugate analytical functions and corresponding theories, and explained the application of this theory in electromagnetic fields, fluidmechanics, elastic mechanics, geometric transformation and other fields. The theory is relatively systematic and the content is novel. Because it provides a method for how to propose new concepts and how to apply new concepts, it is an important referencebook for scientists engaged in theoretical research and applied development research. This book can also be used as a learning material for complex variable functions in science and engineering colleges.