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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040620740
  • 1
  • 515632
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2024-04-12
  • 189
  • 136

 UNIT 1 The Road to a Shared Future
  Reading to Explore the Theme
  Reading for Details
   Spirit of Silk Road Spurs Global Prosperity
  Comprehensive Reading
   Chinese-built Modern Railway Leads to a Brighter Future for Kenya
  Reading Skill
   Becoming a Good Questioner
 UNIT 2 Living Heritage: Acupuncture
  Reading to Explore the Theme
  Reading for Details
   The Evolution of Acupuncture: from Ancient China to Worldwide Recognition
  Comprehensive Reading
   The Healing Touch of Acupuncture: a Personal Journey into Ancient Wisdom
  Reading Skill
   Reflecting on What You Read
 UNIT 3 The Way to Real Freedom
  Reading to Explore the Theme
  Reading for Details
   The Way to Real Freedom Is Through Self-regulation
  Comprehensive Reading
   Take the Leap
  Reading Skill
   Identifying an Implied Main Idea
 UNIT 4 Enjoying Your Career with Dedication
  Reading to Explore the Theme
  Reading for Details
   Tu Youyou: an Innovator of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  Comprehensive Reading
   Teacher Realizes Dream with Tuition-free School for Girls
  Reading Skill
   Using Quotes in a Narrative
 UNIT 5 Integrity, the Best Policy
  Reading to Explore the Theme
  Reading for Details
   How Onlookers Keep Us Honest
  Comprehensive Reading
   Integrity Shines in Chinese Family’s Commitment to Guarding Hero’s Cemetery
  Reading Skill
   Evaluating Famous Quotes
 UNIT 6 Rural Revitalization
  Reading to Explore the Theme
  Reading for Details
   Air China Helps Rural Revitalization Program Take Wing
  Comprehensive Reading
   Young Talent Injects New Vitality into the Village
  Reading Skill
   Taking Notes
 UNIT 7 Intellectual Property Protection
  Reading to Explore the Theme
  Reading for Details
   Trade Secrets: Coming of Age on a Global Stage
  Comprehensive Reading
   Big Steps Taken to Improve IP Protection
  Reading Skill
   Understanding Comparison
 UNIT 8 China’s Journey into Space
  Reading to Explore the Theme
  Reading for Details
   Prospects for the Future Development of China’s Space Transportation System
  Comprehensive Reading
   China Continues to Make Strides in Space Breeding Technique
  Reading Skill
   Identifying Transitions in a Discourse