- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040417869
- 1
- 300096
- 平装
- 16开
- 2015-02-10
- 332
- 361
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
1. 唱给祖国
1. Ode to My Motherland
2. 人类的母亲
2. Mankind¡¯s Mother
3. 倒淌河
3. The Westward Flowing Stream
4. 青海头
4. Qinghai Lakeside
5. 越羌塘草原
5. Crossing the Qiangtang Grassland
6. 十三亿颗心向汶川
6. All Chinese Hearts Go to Wenchuan
7. 夜过折多山
7. Climbing over Zheduo Mountain at Night
8. 海的情怀
8. The Open-minded Sea
9. 登珍宝岛
9. Stepping onto the Zhenbao Island
10. 秋瑾纪念碑
10. The Monument to Miss Qiu Jin
11. 梦屈原
11. Dreaming of Qu Yuan
12. 圆明园
12. The Old Summer Palace
13. 走近袁崇焕
13. Coming near Yuan Chonghuan
14. 经杨靖宇殉国地
14. Going past the Martyrdom Place of Yang Jingyu
15. 黄花岗
15. The Yellow Flower Mound
16. 过二郎山
16. Going Through Erlang Mountains
17. 临愚溪
17. Standing on the Side of Fool¡¯s Creek
18. 访蒲松龄故居
18. Visiting Pu Songling¡¯s Former Residence
19. 一方相镜
19. A Photo Mirror
20. 大山之脊
20. The Backbone of the Mountain
21. 担着祖国的前程
21. Shouldering the Future of Motherland
22. 人工湿地
22. Man-made Marshes
23. 在白云上边
23. Close to the White Cloud
24. 英雄
24. Heroes
25. 青鸿
25. Wild Geese
26. 读书有感
26. After Reading
27. 越乡行
27. A Trip to Zhejiang
28. 寒夜
28. A Chilly Night
29. 参军十二年赋
29. In Memory of the 12th Anniversary of My Joining the Army
30. 望嘉峪关
30. Looking to Jiayu Pass on Train
31. 登羊祜山
31. Climbing the Yanghu Hill
32. 访李白故居
32. Visiting Li Bai¡¯s Former Residence
33. 巨石阵
33. Stonehenge
34. 牛津大学城
34. Oxford College Town
35. 剑桥
35. Cambridge
36. 利比亚即景(二首)
36. To Lybia
01 思考鲁迅
Reflections on Lu Xun
02 感受变化
Experiencing Changes
03 历史的情感
History Feels
04 读书随想
I Read, Therefore I Think
05 心境
Sentimental Notes
06 绍兴的陆游
Lu You of Shaoxing
07 愚溪
Fool¡¯s Creek
08 年夜饭
Spring Festival Eve Meal
09 二姐
My Second Oldest Sister
10 病中感悟
How One Feels When Ill in Bed
11 想到凡•高
Thinking of Van Gogh
12 浣花溪诗魂
The Poetic Soul of Flower Washing Stream
13 感受迪拜
Feel Dubai
14 走进古尔班通古特沙漠
Entering Gurbantunggut Desert
15 天路二题
Two Essays on Heaven Roads
16 葱岭深处
In the Depth of Congling Mountains
17 玉希莫勒盖
Huangyangling Tunnel