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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040495508
  • 1
  • 298977
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2019-04-12
  • 300
  • 344
  • 文学
  • 中国语言文学

 Foreword 序
  Wang Ji 王绩
  Gazing on the Wilderness 野望
  Wang Fanzhi 王梵志
  Two Poems (No. ) 诗二首(一)
  Two Poems (No. ) 诗二首(二)
  Cold Hill 寒山
  The Cold Hill 杳杳寒山道
  Luo Binwang 骆宾王
  Ode to Geese 咏鹅
  Farewell by River Yi 易水送别
  Wang Bo 王勃
  Ode to the Zephyr 咏风
  Seeing Du Fu Off to His Post in Sichuan 送杜少府之任蜀州
  Farewell to Xue Hua 别薛华
  Song Zhiwen 宋之问
  Crossing the Han River 渡汉江
  Chen Zi-ang 陈子昂
  To General Cui Who Starts the East Expedition 送别崔著作东征
  On the Parapet of Youzhou 登幽州台歌
  Farewell to a Friend on a Spring Night 春夜别友人
  Thirty Eight Poems of 感遇三十八首
  Observations (No. ) (其二十三)
  Putting Up for the Night in Le Xiang County 晚次乐乡县
  He Zhizhang 贺知章
  A Sketch of My Coming Home (No. ) 回乡偶书(其一)
  Ode to the Willow 咏柳
  Dedication to Yuan’s Villa 题袁氏别业
  Shen Rujun 沈如筠
  A Wife’s Lament 闺怨
  Zhang Ruoxu 张若虚
  Spring, River, Flower, Moon, Night 春江花月夜
  Zhang Jiuling 张九龄
  Since You Went Away 赋得自君之出矣
  Observations (No. ) 感遇(其七)
  Wang Zhihuan 王之涣
  Climbing the Stork Tower 登鹳雀楼
  A Farewell Banquet 宴词
  Meng Haoran 孟浩然
  Solitude on the Cold River 早寒江上有怀
  Missing Him on a Summer’s Day 夏日南亭怀辛大
  Spring Morn 春晓
  To My Friend in Yangzhou, Who Puts Up in a Boat 宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游
  Putting Up on the Jiande River 宿建德江
  Li Qi 李颀
  Looking Back to Qinchuan 望秦川
  Wang Changling 王昌龄
  Lotus Plucking 采莲曲
  Seeing a Friend Off at Lotus Tower 芙蓉楼送辛渐
  A Wife’s Rue 闺怨
  In Reply to Prefect of Wuling 答武陵太守
  Farewell to Chai 送柴侍御
  Zu Yong 祖咏
  Gazing at the South Hill 终南望余雪
  Wang Wei 王维
  The Love Bean 相思
  The Hills Wearing Autumn Hue 山居秋暝
  An Impromptu 书事
  Seeing My Friend Off to Anxi 送元二使安西
  Bamboo Grove Villa 竹里馆
  On the Ninth Day of the Ninth Moon, Missing Brothers East of the Mountain 九月九日忆山东兄弟
  Parting in the Hills 山中送别
  A Frontier Poem 陇西行
  Passing the Incense Temple 过香积寺
  Qiu Wei 丘为
  Pear Blossoms in the Left Office 左掖梨花
  Li Bai 李白
  When Taking a Bath 沐浴子
  To Wang Lun 赠汪伦
  Seeing Off a Friend 送友人
  Send-off of Tu Fu at Stone Gate, East Shandong 鲁郡东石门送杜二甫
  Descending the Zhongnan Mountains to Drink with 下终南山
  Hu Si, a Hermit 过斛斯山人宿置酒
  Mourning Old Ji, a Good Brewer in Xuancheng 哭宣城善酿纪叟
  The Farewell Pavilion 劳劳亭
  Failing to See the Monk on Mt. Daitian 访戴天山道士不遇
  Master Xie’s Tower 谢公亭
  On Phoenix Mound in Gold Hills 登金陵凤凰台
  Night Thought 静夜思
  Drinking with a Hermit ’mid Mountain Blooms 山中与幽人对酌
  Do Drink Wine 将进酒
  Seeing Off Meng Haoran at Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
  Song of Autumn Shore (No. ) 秋浦歌(十四)
  Song of Autumn Shore (No. ) 秋浦歌(十五)
  Early Departure from Whitegod 早发白帝城
  Watching Mt. Skygate 望天门山
  Night Mooring at Mt. Cow 夜泊牛渚怀古
  Drinking Alone under the Moon (No. ) 月下独酌四首(其一)
  Gazing at the Mt. Lodge Waterfall 望庐山瀑布
  Missing Qin E 忆秦娥
  Rong Yu 戎昱
  Farewell to the Lake Arbor When I Move 移家别湖上亭
  Cui Hao 崔颢
  The Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼
  Sun Ti 孙逖
  Staying O’ernight at Cloudgate Fane 宿云门寺阁
  Liu Changqing 刘长卿
  Seeking Shelter at Mt. Lotus One Snowy Night 逢雪宿芙蓉山主人
  Listening to the Lyre 听弹琴
  Farewell to My Friend 送灵澈
  Du Fu 杜甫
  Drinking Vis-à-vis the Bending River (No. ) 曲江对酒(其一)
  A View of Spring 春望
  A Casual Feeling (No. ) 漫兴(其二)
  Looking for Flowers Alone on the Bank 江畔独步寻花
  To Hua, a General 赠花卿
  A Quatrain (No. ) 绝句二首(其一)
  A Quatrain (No. ) 绝句二首(其二)
  Frontier Poems 前出塞
  Missing My Brothers on a Moonlit Night 月夜忆舍弟
  Traveling at Night 旅夜书怀
  Escorting the Lords with Courtesans to Enjoy Cool 陪诸贵公子丈
  in Zhangba Pool 八沟携妓纳凉
  A Friend Visits 客至
  A Quatrain Impromptu (No. ) 绝句漫兴(其一)
  A Quatrain Impromptu (No. ) 绝句漫兴(其三)
  Six Quatrains for Fun (No. ) 戏为六绝句(其六)
  An Impromptu 漫成一首
  It’s Long Since I Saw Him 不见
  A Revisit 后游
  An Impulse on an Autumn Day (No. ) 秋兴八首(其三)
  The Celestial Taoist Abbey 玉台观
  A Tired Night 倦夜
  The Wild Goose Astray 孤雁
  Cen Shen 岑参
  Missing My Old Clime While on the March 行军九日思长安故园
  Making Fun of the Old Wine Seller 戏问花门酒家翁
  Liu Fangping 刘方平
  The Moonlit Night 月夜
  Lamentation in Spring 春怨
  Zhang Ji 张继
  Mooring at Night by the Maple Bridge 枫桥夜泊
  Jia Zhi 贾至
  Longing in Spring 春思
  Li Duan 李端
  Worshiping the Crescent 拜新月
  Hu Lingneng 胡令能
  Embroidering a Screen 咏绣障
  A Child Learning to Angle 小儿垂钓
  Miss Han 韩氏
  A Poem Written on a Red Maple Leaf 题红叶
  Yu Liangshi 于良史
  A Moonlit Spring Night
  amid the Mountains 春山夜月
  Dai Shulun 戴叔伦
  In the Stone Inn on
  New Year’s Eve 除夜宿石头驿
  Dedication to Zhichuan’s Scenes 题稚川山水
  The Temple of Qu Yuan 三闾庙
  Wei Yingwu 韦应物
  To Qiu Dan on an
  Autumn Night 秋夜寄邱员外
  In Reply to Li Huan 答李浣
  Lu Lun 卢纶
  Border Songs (No. ) 塞下曲(其三)
  Li Yi 李益
  Unrequited Love 写情
  Hearing a Flute Tune in
  Surrender Accepting City 夜上受降城闻笛
  Meng Jiao 孟郊
  Work Your Way 劝学
  A Complaint 怨诗
  Chen Tao 陈陶
  West of Mt. Long 陇西行
  Linghu Chu 令狐楚
  Recalling His Majesty’s Favor 思君恩
  Huangfu Ran 皇甫冉
  A Lady’s Complaint 婕妤怨
  Wang Han 王翰
  A Verse of Liangzhou 凉州词
  Zhang Wei 张谓
  To My Friend Bi in Chang’an 题长安壁主人
  Zhang Chao 张潮
  Going South 江南行
  Zhang Yue 张说
  Hastening Home from Sichuan 蜀道后期
  Shen Xiu 神秀
  Gatha 偈子
  Hui Neng 慧能
  Nothing like a Bodhi Tree 菩提本无树
  Zhang Xu 张旭
  The Peach Bloom Creek 桃花溪
  Han Yu 韩愈
  Late Spring 晚春
  A Drizzle in Early Spring 初春小雨
  Meng Jiao 孟郊
  A Vagrant Son 游子吟
  Liu Yuxi 刘禹锡
  A Bamboo Twig (No. ) 竹枝词(其一)
  A Bamboo Twig (No. ) 竹枝词(其二)
  An Autumn Breeze 秋风引
  Bai Juyi 白居易
  A Concubine’s Lament 后宫词
  The River at Dusk 暮江吟
  Dreaming of South 忆江南
  Asking Liu, the Nineteenth 问刘十九
  Long Longing 长相思
  Seeing a Friend Off
  by an Old Grassland 赋得古草原送别
  Lasting Grief 长恨歌
  Li Shen 李绅
  Poor Farmers (No.) 悯农(其一)
  Poor Farmers (No. ) 悯农(其二)
  Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元
  River Snow 江雪
  Li She 李涉
  Climbing a Hill 登山
  Jia Dao 贾岛
  Failure to Find the Recluse 寻隐者不遇
  A Swordsman 剑客
  Li He 李贺
  The Steed 马诗
  Du Mu 杜牧
  Pure Brightness Day 清明
  At the Hostel at River Qinhuai 泊秦淮
  Spring South of the River 江南春
  Farewell 赠别
  Wen Tingyun 温庭筠
  Buddhaman 菩萨蛮
  Li Shangyin 李商隐
  Message from a Night Rain 夜雨寄北
  The Lute 锦瑟
  Climbing Old Park 登乐游原
  Untitled 无题
  Luo Yin 罗隐
  Bees 蜂
  Jin Changxu 金昌绪
  Plaint in Spring 春怨
  Du Qiuniang 杜秋娘
  Clothes of Gold 金缕衣
 Afterword 跋
 About the Author 作者简介