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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040524888
  • 1版
  • 296862
  • 46254130-1
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2020-01
  • 180
  • 132
  • 理学
  • 数学
  • 数学类
  • 研究生及以上

 1 The Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator
  1.1 The Hardy–Littlewood operator
  1.2 The Lebesgue derivation theorem
  1.3 Regular families
  1.4 Control of some convolutions
  1.5 Exercises
 2 Principal values, and some Fourier transforms
  2.1 Operators commuting with translations
  2.2 Principal values
  2.3 Some Fourier transforms
  2.4 Homogeneous kernels
  2.5 Exercises
 3 The Calderón–Zygmund theory
  3.1 The dyadic cubes
  3.2 The Calderón–Zygmund decomposition
  3.3 Singular integrals
  3.4 Exercises
 4 The Littlewood–Paley theory
  4.1 Vector-valued singular integrals
  4.2 The Littlewood–Paley inequalities
  4.3 The Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem
  4.4 Exercises
 5 Higher Riesz transforms
  5.1 Spherical harmonics
  5.2 Higher Riesz transforms
  5.3 Nonsmooth kernels
  5.4 Exercises
 6 BMO and H1
  6.1 The BMO space
  6.2 The H1(Rn) space
  6.3 Duality of H1–BMO
  6.4 Exercises
 7 Singular integrals on other groups
  7.1 The torus
  7.2 Z
  7.3 Some totally disconnected groups
  7.4 Exercises
 8 Interpolation
  8.1 Real methods
  8.2 Complex methods
  8.3 Exercises
 A Background material
  A.1 Vector-valued integrals
  A.2 Convolution
  A.3 Polar coordinates
  A.4 Distribution functions and weak Lp spaces
  A.5 Laplace transform
  A.6 Khintchine inequalities
  A.7 Exercises
 B Notation and conventions
  B.1 Glossary of notation and symbols
  B.2 Conventions