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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040537321
  • 2版
  • 296148
  • 41240721-5
  • 平装
  • 特殊
  • 2020-06
  • 153
  • 140
  • 文学
  • 中国语言文学
  • 国际汉语教育
  • 本科

 Lesson 1·点菜 Ordering Meal·我想吃包子。I want to eat some baozi.
 Lesson 2·去银行 Going to the Bank·我换人民币。I want to exchange some RMB.
 Lesson 3·租房 Renting an Apartment·我想租一套带厨房的房子。I want to rent a house with a kitchen.
 Lesson 4·生病 Getting Sick·我有点儿不舒服。I am not feeling well.
 Lesson 5·理发 Getting a Haircut·你想剪什么样的?What kind of style do you want?
 Lesson 6·谈学习 Talking About Learning·你汉语说得很流利。You speak Chinese fluently.
 Lesson 7·谈学习方法 Talking AboutLearning Methods·你看见我的词典了没有?Have you seen my dictionary?
 Lesson 8·谈比赛 Talking About Game·比赛还有半个小时才开始呢。The game won’t start in half an hour.
 Lesson 9·想家 Being Homesick·我最近越来越想家了。Recently I miss home more and more.
 Lesson 10测验Test
 Appendix I 附录一 词语表 Vocabulary
 Appendix II 附录二 文化译文 Translation of Culture
 Appendix III 附录三 第 10 课测验听力文本与参考答案 Scripts and Answers of the lesson10 Test