作者: 陈岩
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040398199
- 1
- 52907
- 0062173942-4
- 平装
- 16开
- 2014-07-14
- 700
- 457
- 经济学
- 应用经济学
CHAPTER 1 International trade
1.1 Scope of book
1.2 Function of international trade
1.3 Survey of international trade
1.4 Export benefits and risk
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 2 Characteristics of international transport modes: 1
2.1 The role and essentials of a transport system
2.2 Canals and inland waterways
2.3 International air transport
2.4 International road transport
2.5 International rail transport
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 3 Characteristics of international transport modes: 2
3.1 Containerization
3.2 Container distribution
3.3 Container types
3.4 Container bases
3.5 Non-containerizable cargo
3.6 Inland clearance depots
3.7 Dry ports
3.8 Sea transport
3.9 Pipelines
3.10 Palletization
3.11 Seaports
3.12 Sea/air concept
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 4 Multi-modalism
4.1 Rationale of development of multi-modalism
4.2 Factors driving multi-modalism in the twenty-first century
4.3 Features of multi-modalism
4.4 Multi-modalism strategy
CHAPTER 5 Logistics and globalization
5.1 Role of logistics
5.2 Factors contributing to the development of logistics
5.3 The logistic freight forwarder
5.4 Criteria of logistic supplier selection
5.5 Future of logistics
5.6 Globalization
5.7 Interface between logistics and globalization
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 6 Freight rates
6.1 Theory of freight rates
6.2 The constituents of the freight rate
6.3 Factors influencing the formulation of freight rates
6.4 Air freight rates
6.5 Canal and inland waterways freight rates
6.6 International rail services rates
6.7 Maritime container rates
6.8 Sea freight rates
6.9 Calculation of freight rates
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 7 Export cargo packaging, stowage, marking and dangerous cargo shipments
7.1 Factors influencing type of cargo packaging
7.2 Types of packaging
7.3 Stowage of cargo
7.4 Marking of cargo
7.5 Dangerous cargo
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 8 Export customs practice
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Value Added Tax
8.3 Customs tariff and classification
8.4 Export controls
8.5 Export documentation and procedures
8.6 Customs reliefs
8.7 Duty preference and origin
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 9 Cargo insurance
9.1 Cargo insurance market
9.2 Fundamental principles of insurance
9.3 Cargo insurance policy form and clauses
9.4 Cargo insurance rating
9.5 Cargo insurance claims
9.6 Cargo claims prevention
CHAPTER 10 Credit insurance
10.1 Export credit insurance
10.2 Short-term export credit insurance
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 11 Export finance
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Financing the trade cycle
11.3 Export and import prices
11.4 Payments for imports and exports
11.5 Documentary credits and allied documents
11.6 Transferable credits
11.7 Back-to-back credits
11.8 Revolving credits
11.9 Bank finance for exports factoring and forfaiting
11.10 Standby letters of credit
11.11 Counter-trade
11.12 Factoring
11.13 Forfaiting
11.14 Guarantee
11.15 Less common methods of trade
CHAPTER 12 Export documentation
12.1 E-commerce
12.2 Air waybill
12.3 ATA carnets
12.4 Bill of exchange
12.5 Bill of lading
12.6 Cargo insurance policy and certificate
12.7 Certificate of origin
12.8 Certificate of shipment
12.9 Charterparty
12.10 Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)
12.11 Courier receipt 237 iv Contents
12.12 Dock receipt
12.13 End use certificate
12.14 Export Cargo Shipping Instruction (ECSI)
12.15 Export invoicing
12.16 Export licensing
12.17 Health certificate
12.18 Intermodal certification
12.19 International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM)
12.20 Instructions for despatch
12.21 Letters of hypothecation
12.22 Letters of indemnity
12.23 Mate’s receipt
12.24 Packing list
12.25 Parcel post receipt
12.26 Phytosanitary (plant health) certificate
12.27 Pre-shipment inspection certificate
12.28 Quality certificate
12.29 Shipper’s letter of instruction
12.30 Ship’s delivery order
12.31 Veterinary and health certificate
12.32 Weight certificate
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 13 Processing the export order
13.1 Contract of affreightment: terms of delivery: Incoterms 2000
13.2 Factors determining choice of Incoterms 2000
13.3 Description of Incoterms 2000
13.4 Receipt of export order
13.5 Processing the export consignment
13.6 Presentation of documents to the bank: checklist
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 14 Electronic commerce and paperless trading
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Electronic commerce
14.3 Trends and drivers in the development of electronic commerce
14.4 E-commerce – B2C best practice
14.5 Website sales development
14.6 Export software systems specification and outsourcing 302 Contents v
14.7 Case studies
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 15 Export market entry options strategies and culture
15.1 Introduction – market selection criteria
15.2 E-commerce
15.3 Indirect and direct exporting
15.4 Market environment
15.5 Market entry strategy
15.6 Market entry options
15.7 Culture
15.8 Cultural analysis by country/region and economic focus
15.9 Visiting the overseas market
15.10 Chartered shipbrokers
15.11 Freight forwarder
15.12 Management of quality: BS5750
15.13 Institute of Export
15.14 International credit clubs
15.15 Local buying offices
15.16 Case study on developing customer relations
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 16 International trade law
16.1 Introduction
16.2 International conventions
16.3 Product liability
16.4 Intellectual property
16.5 Employment law
16.6 Legal framework for information and communication technology
16.7 CMI rules of Electronic Bills of Lading
16.8 International transport law
16.9 WTO settlement procedure
Recommended reading
CHAPTER 17 International physical distribution/logistics strategy and management
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Decision-making process
17.3 Problem areas and possible solutions
17.4 Logistics strategy
17.5 Customs planning
17.6 The future 416 vi Contents
APPENDIX A Addresses of national and international organizations involved in facilitating international trade development
APPENDIX B Publications for the international entrepreneur
APPENDIX C Export documents
APPENDIX D Glossary of shipping and international trade terms and abbreviations Further reading