皆大欢喜(莎士比亚作品解读丛书·英文影印插图版) / 莎士比亚作品解读丛书
作者: [英]朱丽叶·狄森伯莉
- 中国人民大学出版社
- 9787300088228
- 1-1
- 279383
- 平装
- 2008-01
- 414
- 468
- I
《皆大欢喜》通常与《无事生非》及《第十二夜》并列为莎翁的三大欢庆喜剧(festive comedy)。本剧有若干常见的莎剧主题,例如:由宫廷城都进入原始森林、善恶对比的两兄弟、女扮男装等等。
List of illustrationsGeneral editors’ prefacePrefaceIntroduction A brief view of the play Fictions of gender Rosalind and the boy actor Later Rosalinds Celia Orlando Phoebe and Audrey Date The Forest of Arden Well, this is the Forest of Arden’ The hunt Robin Hood and his merry men Staging the Forest of Arden Early foresters The Earl of Essex Thomas Morley Realms of gold Shakespeare and Thomas Lodge Shakespeare and Sidney Harington, Ariosto and Rabelais Golden worlds Pastoral Genre: entertainments for Elizabeth Corin and Touchstone Borderlands: love and politics A wise man and a fool: Jaques and Touchstone ‘A speaking picture’: readers and painters Text The staying order The Folio text: provenance and editorial practices Text and performance Epilogue: ‘All the world’s a stage’AS YOU LIKE IT Appendix 1: A court epilogue, Shrovetide 1599 Appendix 2: Casting and doubling Appendix 3: Ben Jonson, As You Like It and the ‘War of the Theatres’ Appendix 4: The Douai manuscript Appendix 5: Political after-lives: Veracini’s opera Rosalinda(1744)and Charles Johnson’s Love in a Forest(1723) Abbreviations and references Abbreviations used in notes Works by and partly by Shakespeare Editions of Shakespeare collated Other works cited Manuscripts Other works Stage and film productions cited Eighteenth-century productions Nineteenth-century productions Twentieth-century productions Twenty-first-century productionsIndex