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  • 中国人民大学出版社
  • 9787300218687
  • 1-1
  • 278613
  • 平装
  • 2015年9月
  • 262
  • 248
  • G634.413
Lesson 1 If Your Friend Betrays You, What Will You Do?
Lesson 2 What’s A Successful Language Learner Should Do?
Lesson 3 “My Toy”—Spinning Top
Lesson 4 Beautiful Hands
Lesson 5 Golf Is Popular In Japan
Lesson 6 My Father Was My Hero
Lesson 7 New Shoes for Winter
Lesson 8 Fear Matters
Lesson 9 Why Play Games?
Lesson 10 Improve Your Life
Lesson 11 The Climates of the United States
Lesson 12 Apple Unveils New Diverse Emesis
Lesson 13 What You See Is What You Get
Lesson 14 Everyone Can Make Contributions to Protecting Natural Resources
Lesson 15 How to Conquer A Bad Cold
Lesson 16 Family Travel Tips: Planning a Safari
Lesson 17 Never Lose Hope
Lesson 18 Experience Chinese Culture at “Chinese Bridge”
Lesson 19 Evening At Home
Lesson 20 A Positive Boy with His Baseball
Lesson 21 Kindness Rewarded
Lesson 22 Let’s Enjoy 4D Film!
Lesson 23 The Sun and the Moon
Lesson 24 The Internet and Its Impact ( 节选自Readholic)
Lesson 25 To Love Oneself Is the Begin
Lesson 26 How to Travel In the Desert
Lesson 27 A Fantastic Big Sister
Lesson 28 How to Survive In a Burning House
Lesson 29 Grandma Moses and Me
Lesson 30 Chinese Sandwich
Lesson 31 What Is the Difference Between Weather and Climate?
Lesson 32 Mamma’s Present
Lesson 33 Street Markets Around the World
Lesson 34 Friendship of American Style
Lesson 35 Being a Clever Clothes Shopper
Lesson 36 National Wear Red Day
Lesson 37 Inventions Changed Our Life
Lesson 38 The Ice Hotel
Lesson 39 Things To Remember
Lesson 40 Global Warming
Lesson 41 All Green Today
Lesson 42 The Malls in the United States
Lesson 43 Foods at Important Moments
Lesson 44 Making Sense of the Ebola Virus
Lesson 45 Collecting Stickers
Lesson 46 It’s Never Too Late to Start Something New!
Lesson 47 Football: For Fun and Good Health
Lesson 48 Carrots
Lesson 49 A Musical Genius
Lesson 50 Foods That Give You Energy in the Morning
Lesson 51 To Stay Healthy in Summer
Lesson 52 Honoring a Father on Father’s Day
Lesson 53 Just for Today
Lesson 54 My Kindergarten Teacher, Mrs. White<