美国社会与文化(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) / 超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材
作者: 王建平
- 中国人民大学出版社
- 9787300162201
- 1-1
- 259163
- 2012-10
- 589
- 380
- H319.4:K
Chapter One System of GovernmentChapter Two The Cotitution and the AmendmentsChapter Three Political Parties and Interest GroupsChapter Four Campaig and ElectioChapter Five The Federal JudiciaryChapter Six Domestic EconomyChapter Seven Social WelfareChapter Eight Immigration and DiveityChapter Nine Race and EthnicityChapter Ten Religion and Religious BeliefsChapter Eleven EducationChapter Twelve Print MediaChapter Thirteen Electronic MediaChapter Fourteen The Film IndustryChapter Fifteen History of the United States (1776-1945)Chapter Sixteen American Foreign PolicyAppendixes Selected Documents of American HistoryReferences