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  • 旅游教育出版社
  • 9787563716531
  • 1版
  • 254943
  • 43244754-8
  • 2010-01
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • 英语
  • 本科
Unit 1 Economy经济 Part 1 Textsfor Interpreting in Class   Passage 1 2004年宏观调控评价及深化经济改革须解决的体制性根源   Passage 2 在第104届中国进出口商品交易会新闻发布会上的讲话   Passage 3 China'S Economic Development   Passage 4 US President'S Radio Address on Economy    Key to Passages 1-4  Part 2 Practice after Class  Exercise 1 薄熙来部长在第九届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会开幕式上的致辞   Key to Exercise 1  Exercise 2 Rogers:Investment in China   Key to Exercise 2 Unit 2 Industries工业  Part 1 Textsfor Interpreting in Class   Passage 1 抓住有利时机,深化经济体制改革   Passage 2 中国工业概况  Passage 3 Internet Indust in China   Passage 4 How Did Dell Computer Choose Its Strategy    Key to Passages 1-4  Part 2 Practice after Class   Exercise 1 The Corporation    Key to Exercise 1   Exercise 2 How do Enterprises Make Profits on the World Market?    Key to Exercise 2 Unit 3 Agriculture农业 Part 1 Textsfor Interpreting in Class   Passage 1 进一步加强"三农"工作  Passage 2 International Year of Rice   Passage 3 Walfensen:Between the Rich and the Poor   Passage 4 The World Food Program'S Global Commitment    Key to Passages 1-4  Part 2 Practice after Class   Exercise 1 中国农村改革和发展的长远计划    Key to Exercise 1   Exercise 2 WTO Ruling on American Cotton Subsidies    Key to Exercise 2  Exercise 3 Is China Facing Grain Crisis? 61   Key to Exercise 3 Unit 4 International Trade国际贸易  Part 1 Textsfor Interpreting in Class   Passage 1 商务部部长薄熙来出席国务院新闻发布会  Passage 2 Pros and Cons of Free Trade   Passage 3 Deficits and the Dollar    Key to Passages 1-3  Part 2 Practice after Class   Exercise 1 回应欧盟对中国纺织品进口设限   Key to Exercise 1   Exercise 2 Peter Mandelson:EU'S Agriculture Policies in Sino-EU Trade    Key to Exercise 2   Exercise 3 China'S Business Climate for US Firms    Key to Exercise 3 Unit 5 Intermational Cooperation国际合作Unit 6 Marketing Managemeng营销管理Unit 7 Tourism旅游Unit 8 Finance金融Unit 9 Business Management商业运营Unit 10 Sustainable Development可持续发展Unit 11 Logistics物流Unit 12 IT IndustryIT行业