作者: 黄晓颖
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040283006
- 1
- 254251
- 平装
- 16开
- 2011-07-27
- 569
- 277
- 文学
- 中国语言文学
第1课 就要入本科了 Be going to enter an undergraduate course
第2课 入学手续哪天能办得完? When can the university entry procedure be finished?
第3课 选什么课好呢? Which course should I choose?
第4课 听说她的英语好极了 I heard her English is great
第5课 我把笔记放在教室里了 I put my notes in the classroom
第6课 你来中国多长时间了? How long have you been China?
第7课 我以为开题只是提意见呢 I thought the thesis proposal was just about getting some suggestions
第8课 我的电脑被巴布弄坏了 Babou broke my computer
第9课 我从楼梯上摔下来了 I fell down the stairs
第10课 硕士毕业后我还会读博士的 After my Master’s Degree I’ll study for a PhD
第11课 实验还得做下去 We must carry on doing experiments
第12课 不如学历史吧 Why not study history?
第13课 连这么难的题你都会! Such difficult questions can you answer!
第14课 高强也变成股民了 Gao Qiang had also became an investor
第15课 海南的冬天好像夏天一样 Winter in Hainan is just like Summer
第16课 中药这么神奇? Is Chinese herbal medicine really so magic?
第17课 要是通过了论文答辩该多好啊 How great it would be to pass the thesis defence
第18课 真舍不得你们 I really hate to part with you
附录 1 生词总表(汉英) Appendix 1 Glossary (Chinese-English)
附录 2 课文译文 Appendix 2 Translation of Texts
附录 3 HSK模拟小测试听力文本 Appendix 3 Transcripts of HSK Tests