作者: Stephen R. Schach
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040163384
- 1
- 248422
- 平装
- 特殊
- 2005-03-30
- 560
- 391
- 工学
- 计算机科学与技术
PrefaceAcknowledgmentsPART ONEIntroduction to UML and the UnifiedProcess 1 Introduction to Information Systems 2 How Information Systems Are Developed 3 The Object-Oriented Paradigm, UML, and the Unified ProcessPART TWOUML and the Unified Process 4 The Requirements Workflow I The Requirements Workflow II 6 The Obj ect-Oriented Analysis Workflow I 7 The Obj ect-Oriented Analysis Workflow II 8 The Object-Oriented Design Workflow 9 The Workflows and Phases of the Unified Process 10 More on UMLPART THREEMajor Topics in Systems Analysis and Design 205 11 CASE 12 Teams 13 Testing 14 Management Issues 15 Planning and Estimating 16 Maintenance 17 User-Interface Design 18 Introduction to Web-Based Information Systems 19 Introduction to Database Management Systems 20 Technical TopicsAPPENDIXES A Term Project: Choeoholics Anonymous B Object-Oriented Design: Osbert Oglesby Case Study C Object-Oriented Design: MSG Foundation Case StudyINDEX