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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040138603
  • 1
  • 247545
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2006-01-04
  • 450
  • 271
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学

 Chapter 1 The Paradox of Happiness
  by Diane Swanbrow, in Psychology Today
   New research reveals a surprising truth: the tendency to feel
   unhappy may be inherited, but happiness is something that we
   can create for ourselves.
 Chapter 2 Close to Home: Technological Advances Erode Barrier Between Work and Home
  by Veronica James, in The Los Angeles Times
   As technological advances such as cell phones, pagers, and other
   electronic devices take over our lives, it becomes harder for people
   to separate their work lives from their home lives.
 Chapter 3 The Birth-Order Myth
  by Alfie Kohn, in Health
   Although many people think that being the first, second, or third
   child in a family affects our personalities, such beliefs are really untrue.
 Chapter 4 Why So Many More Americans Die in Fires
  by Donald G. McNeil, Jr, in The New York Times
   Even though it has some of the fastest fire departments in the
   world, the United States has more fire deaths than nearly any
   other industrialized country.
 Chapter 5 Acupuncture: The New Old Medicine
  Edited by William G. Flanagan, in Forbes
   Many people today are discovering that acupuncture can cure
   illnesses that conventional medical treatment cannot cure. It's
   also inexpensive and almost painless.
 Chapter 6 Highs and Lows in Self-Esteem
  by Kim Lamb Gregory, Scripps Howard News Service
   During our lives, we experience periods of high self-esteem and low
   self-esteem because we are affected by biological, social, and
   situational factors.
 Chapter 7 The Federal System of Government
  by Patricia C. Acheson, from Our Federal Government: How It Works
   The U.S. Government was designed over 200 years ago. It has a
   complex but effective system of checks and balances to ensure
   that no one has too much power.
 Chapter 8 Too Soon Old, Too Late Wise
  by Evan Thomas with Adam Wolfberg, in Newsweek
   He may be 90 years old, but Prof Paul Weiss still teaches philosophy
   to university students and challenges them to think.
 Chapter 9 The Pursuit of Excellence
  by Jill Smolowe, in Time
   Every year, thousands of foreign students come to the United
   States to study in American universities and colleges in search of
   an education.
 Chapter 10 Antarctica: Whose Continent Is It Anyway?
  by Daniel and Sally Grotta, in Popular Science
   Although an international treaty helps protect the continent of
   Antarctica, countries still argue over who has the right to live
   and work there.
 Chapter 11 A Messenger from the Past
  by James Shreeve, in Discover
   When the frozen body of a man was discovered in a melting
   glacier at the border between Austria and Italy, scientists began
   to learn about life in Europe 5,000 years ago.
 Chapter 12 Is Time Travel Possible?
  by Mark Davidson, in USA Today
   Some scientific experiments have shown that time travel may
   be possible. Scientists discuss the possible consequences of
   traveling to the past or to the future.
  Word List