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以下为《体验汉语·商务篇(60~ 80课时)》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040187663
  • 1
  • 247212
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2006-03-20
  • 240
  • 122
  • 文学
  • 中国语言文学

 Unit 1 初次见面Greeting and Introduction
  • Learning how to introduce yourself and
  • Learning the names of some job titles
  • Learning how to design your own name card
 Unit 2 工作团队Team Work
  • Learning how to describe organizational structure
  • Learning how to describe your job
  • Learning how to interview for a job
 Unit 3 日程安排Time Schedules
  • Learning how to book tickets
  • Learning how to arrange work
  • Learning how to introduce daily work
 Unit 4 办公地点Location of the Workplace
  • Learning how to give directions to a company’s location
  • Learning how to introduce the Location of the workplace
  • Learning how to order merchandise
 Unit 5 商务宴会Business Banquet
  • Learning how to arrange banquets
  • Learning how to invite guests
  • Learning how to toast
 Unit 6 网上办公Working on the Internet
  • Learning how to shop on the Internet
  • Learning how to work on the Internet
  • Learning how to attend a network meeting
 Unit 7 市场营销Marketing
  • Learning something about consumer behavior
  • Learning something about marketing
  • Learning how to express your opinion about advertising
 Unit 8 财务管理Financial Management
  • Learning about the financial management of a company
  • Learning how to analyze financial statements
  • Learning how to make a budget
 Unit 9 商业咨询Business Consulting
  • Learning about the basics of commercial consulting companies
  • Learning about the management characteristics of different companies
  • Learning how to offer consultation services to companies
 Unit 10战略管理Strategy Management
  • Learning about the process of strategy planning
  • Learning how to establish a brand
  • Learning about the reason why a commpany changes its strategy
 Unit 11企业文化Company Culture
  • Learning about the company culture
  • Learning how to talk about the details of company culture
  • Learning how to understand the differences between company cultures
 Unit 12 社会贡献Community Contribution
  • Learning about community contribution
  • Learning how to introduce some charity activities
  • Learning some expressions for charity activities
 录音文本 Scripts
 题语注释 Idioms
 词汇表(一) Vocabulary
 词汇表(二) Proper Names