- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040188691
- 1
- 246604
- 平装
- 16开
- 2006-08-03
- 320
- 212
- 经济学
- 应用经济学
Chapter 1 Economics and Politics Supplementary readingChapter 2 The Evolution of Economic Ideas Supplementary readingChapter 3 Introduction to Economics Supplementary readingChapter 4 Introduction and Overview of Money and Finance Supplementary readingChapter 5 The Evolution of the Payments System Supplementary readingChapter 6 What Are Central Banks? Supplementary readingChapter 7 The Federal Reserve System Supplementary readingChapter 8 Commercial Banks: History of Banking Supplementary readingChapter 9 Bank Management Supplementary readingChapter 10 Financial Market Supplementary readingChapter 11 The Investment Process Supplementary readingChapter 12 Insurance Supplementary readingChapter 13 Euro Supplementary readingChapter 14 The Uruguay Round Subsidies Agreement Supplementary readingAnswer KeyReference