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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040410075
  • 1
  • 241231
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2014-09-15
  • 343
  • 280
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学

陈晓丹主编的这本《职场英语读写教程(3)》 共分8个单元。每个单元都围绕同一话题展开。每个 单元各3篇课文。课文选材广泛、短小精悍、体裁多 样,材料新颖,非常具有时代感、知识性、实用性和 趣味性,兼顾人文、社会、科普、文化、技能、应用 等多种多样的内容体系,以达到独立学院、高职高专 的通用性。教学内容丰富多彩,练习形式简洁实用, 为教师根据实际需要选择教学内容、制定个性化的教 学方案提供方便。本教程集语言和文化、知识和技能 于一体,语言规范、循序渐进,方便教学,有利于学生打下较为扎实的英语语言基础、培养综合的英语语 言运用能力。


 Unit 1 Western Business Culture
  Text A Business Etiquette in Europe
  Text B Cubicle Etiquette. Six Ways Technology Can Hurt Your Career
  Text C US Business Culture
 Unit 2 Travel Destination
  Text A Five Alternative Travel Destinations for 2014
  Text B New York City Travel: Celebrating the City That Never Sleeps
  Text C Perth (Australia)
 Unit 3 Business Negotiation
  Text A The Art of Negotiation: Learn It and Watch Your Business Grow !
  Text B Three Tricks That Make Negotiations Work
  Text C What Should Everyone Know About Negotiation?
 Unit 4 Advertising
  Text A Why Is Advertising So Important to Business?
  Text B The Best Way to Advertise a Small Business on a Low Budget
  Text C Make the Right Advertising Decisions
 Unit 5 Sales and Marketing
  Text A Critical Factors in Marketing a New Product
  Text B Three Things Marketers Must Do to Demonstrate Their Worth
  Text C Sales and Marketing Together at Last
 Unit 6 Presentation and Report
  Text A Ten Tips for Creating Successful Business Presentations
  Text B Five Easy Tricks to Make Your Presentation Interactive
  Text C How to Turn a Written Report into a First-Class Presentation
 Unit 7 Finance and Security
  Text A How to Keep Your Online Business Information Secure
  Text B The Challenge of Health Data Security
  Text C Wolves of Wall Street Abound: How to Spot a Bad Broker
 Unit 8 Corporate Strategy
  Text A What Is Corporate Strategy? (1)
  Text B What Is Corporate Strategy? (2)
  Text C The Importance of Corporate Strategy
 Appendix I Background, Language Points and Translation
 Appendix II Keys to the Exercises
 Appendix III Glossary