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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040402797
  • 1
  • 241187
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2014-11-13
  • 210
  • 125
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学

《高职高专英语综合教程3》共包括八个单元,各个单元讲述的主要内容是:Traveling in China(Ⅰ)、Traveling in China(Ⅱ)、Wele、Help Yourself,Please、An Invitation Card、Asking the Way Indoors、Asking the Way Outdoors、The Change in My Hometown。


 Unit 1 Traveling in China (I)
  Integrated Skills Development 
  Dialogue nding Accommodation 
  B.A Conducted Tour 
  anning a Trip 
  nger at the Beach 
  Applied Writing 
  Pick Up Your Grammar 
  Merry Learning 
  Words & Phrases 
 Unit 2 Traveling in China (II)
  Integrated Skills Development 
  Dialogue A.A Visit to Dalian 
  . and Mrs. Wright in Dalian 
  ijing Travel Agency 
  B.I Hate Flying 
  Applied Writing 
  Pick Up Your Grammar 
  Merry Learning 
  Words & Phrases 
 Unit 3 Welcome!
  Integrated Skills Development 
  Dialogue ¡¯d Be Very Happy to Come. 
   Enjoyed Ourselves Very Much. 
  cepting an Invitation in America 
  eful Advice for Inviting Friends toDinner 
  Applied Writing 
  Pick Up Your Grammar 
  Merry Learning 
  Words & Phrases 
 Unit 4 Help Yourself, Please.
  Integrated Skills Development 
  Dialogue eers! 
  at About Some Fruit? 
  w Americans Receive Their Guests at Home? 
  od in Chinese Culture 
  Applied Writing 
  Pick Up Your Grammar 
  Merry Learning 
  Words & Phrases 
 Unit 5 An Invitation Card
  Integrated Skills Development 
  DialogueA.A Dinner Invitation 
  at About Some American Food? 
  ll You Join Us? 
  ble Manners in China 
  Applied Writing 
  Pick Up Your Grammar 
  Merry Learning 
  Words & Phrases 
 Unit 6 Asking the Way Indoors
  Integrated Skills Development 
  ere Is the Manager¡¯s Room? 
  ere Is the Reception Room? 
  pany Organization 
  B.A Taxi Driver Is a Good Guide 
  Applied Writing 
  Pick Up Your Grammar 
  Merry Learning 
  Words & Phrases 
 Unit 7 Asking the Way Outdoors
  Integrated Skills Development 
  w Can I Get to the Harbor? 
  w Can I Get to the International Hotel? 
  u Can¡¯t Miss It 
  B.A Car Offering Directions 
  Applied Writing 
  Pick Up Your Grammar 
  Merry Learning 
  Words & Phrases 
 Unit 8 The Changes in My Hometown
  Integrated Skills Development 
  e Return Visit 
  ¡¯s All Changed! 
  PassageA.A Travel Experience 
  e New Look of My Hometown 
  Applied Writing 
  Pick Up Your Grammar 
  Merry Learning 
  Words & Phrases 