作者: 编写组
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040427950
- 2
- 240813
- 平装
- 16开
- 2015-08-14
- 270
- 193
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
本教材为中等职业学校课程改革国家规划新教材系列之一 —— 《英语教师用书2(基础模块)(第2版)(湖南版)》的配套教师手册。本系列教材由基础模块、职业模块和拓展模块构成。基础模块共3册:第1、2、3册。每册配有练习册、教师手册、录音带、电子教案、DVD、教学资源包等。
1 We laughed into tears!
2 I saw a terrible movie.
3 Have you ever done a part-time job?
4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation.
5 It’s time to change.
REVIEW 1 Review of topics in Units 1–5
6 Tell me when the pain started.
7 So much to do before we travel!
8 If you want to talk,you can go online.
9 Everything is made in China!
10 Why was it built?
REVIEW 2 Review of topics in Units 6–10