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以下为《新起点大学基础英语教程(修订版) 读写教程 2(含CD-ROM光盘 1张)》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 外语教学与研究出版社
  • 9787560077222
  • 237944
  • 2008年12月
  • 240
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
Unit 1
Text A The Study of Words
Text B Polite and Rude
Word Study
Writing Practice

Unit 2
Text A It Was a Good Barn
Text B Being a Good Friend
Word Study
Writing Practice

Unit 3
Text A Home Schooling——An American Phenomenon
Text B The College Experience
Word Study
Writing Practice

Unit 4
Text A Unlocking the Future with Useful Keys
Text B Changing Attitudes to Lifelong Employment
Word Study
Writing Practice

Unit 5
Text A Jogging
Text B Mountaineering
Word Study
Writing Practice

Unit 6
Text A Mom's Approach to Meals May Need a Second Look
Text B What Is Safe to Eat?
Word Study
Writing Practice

Unit 7
Text A Can You Speak Technology in a Wired World?
Text B The Web Lifestyle
Word Study
Writing Practice

Unit 8
Text A Wild Jaguars in Arizona
Text B Nature Journaling
Word Study
Writing Practice

Unit 9
Text A Some People Are Born with Confidence
Text B Laughter Is the Best Medicine
Word Study
Writing Practice

Unit 10
Text A Going Grocery Shopping: Let Your Fingers Do the Walking
Text B Pocket Money
Word Study
Writing Practice
