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  • 人民邮电出版社
  • 9787115349347
  • 3-1
  • 232029
  • 64211545-5
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2015年12月
  • 314
  • 191
  • TG76
  • 模具设计与制造
  • 高职
目  录

Lesson 1 What is Dies and Molds 1
New Words and Expressions 3
Reading Material 6
Lesson 2 The Injection Molding
 and Machine 8
New Words and Expressions 9
Reading Material 12
Lesson 3 Mold Materials 16
New Words and Expressions 17
Reading Material 20
Lesson 4 Selection of the Steel 22
New Words and Expressions 25
Reading Material 28
Lesson 5 Basic Underfeed
 Mold 31
New Words and Expressions 33
Reading Material 37
Lesson 6 Polymers 39
New Words and Expressions 40
Reading Material 43
Lesson 7 Mold Cavities and
 Cores 44
New Words and Expressions 45
Reading Material 48
Lesson 8 Feed System 50
New Words and Expressions 51
Reading Material 53
Lesson 9 Sprue Bush and Register
 Ring 55
News Words and Expressions 57
Reading Material 59
Lesson 10 Runner 62
New Words and Expressions 63
Reading Material 65
Lesson 11 Gates 67
New Words and Expressions 68
Reading Material 70
Lesson 12 Parting Surface 72
New Words and Expressions 73
Reading Mat