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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040413892
  • 1版
  • 227542
  • 46254014-7
  • 精装
  • 16开
  • 2014-12-31
  • 950
  • 573
  • 理学
  • 数学
  • O152
  • 数学、统计类
  • 本科 研究生及以上

群和群作用是数学研究的重要对象,拥有强大的 力量并且富于美感,这可以通过它广泛出现在诸多不 同的科学领域体现出来。

《群作用手册》由相关领域专家撰写的一系列综 述文章组成,首次系统地展现了群作用及其应用,内 容囊括经典主题的讨论、近来的热点专业问题的论述 ,有些文章还涉及相关的历史。本书填补了数学著作 中的一项空白,适合于从初学者到相关领域专家的各 个层次读者阅读。


 Part I: Geometric Topology
  Exotic Topology in Geometry and Dynamics
  F. Thomas Farrell, Andrey Gogolev, and Pedro Ontaneda
   1 The space of negatively curvedmetrics
   2 The Teichm¨uller and the moduli spaces of negatively curved metrics
   3 Bundles with negatively curved fibers
   4 Exotic topology and hyperbolic dynamical systems
  A Survey of Surface Braid Groups and the Lower Algebraic K-Theory of Their Group Rings
  John Guaschi and Daniel Juan-Pineda
   1 Introduction
   2 Basic definitions of surface braid groups
   3 Some properties of surface braid groups
   4 Braid groups of the sphere and the projective plane
   5 K-theory of surface braid groups
  The Isomorphism Conjecture for Groups with Generalized Free Product Structure
  Sayed K. Roushon
   1 Introduction
   2 LowerK-theory and surgery L-theory of groups acting on trees 3
   3 The isomorphism conjecture for groups acting on trees
  Group Actions on Banach Spaces
  Piotr W. Nowak
   1 Introduction
   2 Preliminaries
   3 Fixed points
   4 Metrically proper actions
   5 Final remarks
  Topological Spherical Space Forms
  Ian Hambleton
   1 Introduction
   2 First steps: pre-1960
   3 Swan complexes: 1960–1970
   4 Semicharacteristic obstructions and 3-manifolds
   5 Poincar´e complexes
   6 Surgery theory and stable existence
   7 The finiteness obstruction
   8 Space forms in the period dimension
   9 Topological Euclidean space forms
   10 Further topics
 Part II: Representations and Deformations
  Dynamics on Character Varieties: A Survey.
  Richard D. Canary
   1 Overview
   2 Basic definitions
   3 Teichm¨uller space
   4 Convex cocompact representations
   5 Hitchin representations
   6 Anosov representations
   7 PSL(2,C)-character varieties
   8 Appendix
  Higgs Bundles and Representations of Complex Hyperbolic Lattices
  Julien Maubon
   1 Introduction
   2 The symmetric space SU(p, q)/S(U(p) × U(q))
   3 Representations, flat bundles, Higgs bundles
   4 Proof of the Milnor-Wood type inequality
   5 Maximal representations
  Geometric Limits of Kleinian Groups and Their Applications
  Ken’ichi Ohshika
   1 Introduction
   2 Preliminaries
   3 Examples of geometric limits
   4 Classification of geometric limits
   5 Boundaries of deformation spaces
  Deformations of Surfaces Embedded in 4-dimensional Manifolds and Their Mapping Class Groups
  Susumu Hirose
   1 Introduction
   2 Preliminaries
   3 Surfaces standardly embedded in S4
   4 Flexible surfaces in 4-manifolds
   5 Knotted embeddings in S4
   6 Problems
  On the Geography of Lefschetz Fibrations
  Naoyuki Monden
   1 Introduction
   2 Lefschetz fibrations
   3 Examples of Lefschetz fibrations
   4 Signatures of Lefschetz fibrations
   5 Fundamental groups of Lefschetz fibrations
   6 Some methods to construct Lefschetz fibrations
   7 Sections of Lefschetz fibrations
   8 The geography problems of symplectic 4-manifolds and Lefschetz fibrations
   9 Holomorphic and non-holomorphic Lefschetz fibrations
   10 The slopes of Lefschetz fibrations with b+2 =1
 Part III: Geometric Groups
  The Modular Group and Its Actions.
  A. Muhammed Uluda˘g
   1 Introduction
   2 Rise of the modular group
   3 The bipartite Farey tree F and its boundary
   4 The projective general linear group over Z
   5 Action on the upper half plane H
   6 Modular graphs and dessins
   7 The action on binary quadratic forms
   8 Et cetera
   Appendix: Gosper’s algorithm for continued fraction arithmetic
  Groups with Structures and Homotopy Groups
  Jie Wu
   1 Introduction
   2 Simplicial groups
   3 Simplicial structure on geometric groups
   Contents V
  Abstract Homomorphisms of Algebraic Groups and Applications
  Igor A. Rapinchuk
   1 Introduction
   2 On algebraic rings
   3 K-theoretic background
   4 Rigidity results over commutative rings
   5 Rigidity results over noncommutative rings
   6 Applications to character varieties and deformations of
 Part IV: Geometric Invariants and Growth of Discrete Groups
  Some Topics in Geometric Invariant Theory over Non-algebraically Closed Fields
  D`ao Phuong Bˇa´c and Nguyˆe˜n Quˆo´c Thˇa´ng
   1 Introduction
   2 An overview of geometric invariant theory. Observability and
   related notions
   3 Stability in geometric invariant theory over non-algebraically
   closed fields
   4 Topology of relative orbits for actions of algebraic groups over
   completely valued fields
  Computation of the Spherical Growth Series of Finitely Generated Groups and Monoids by Using Automata Michihiko Fujii
   1 Introduction
   2 Finite-state automata and the subset construction
   3 Unique-geodesic word acceptors for groups and monoids, and growth series
   4 Examples of rational growth series and irrational growth series
   5 The spherical growth series of Artin groups and Artin monoids
   6 The pure Artin group PI2(k) and the monoid P+I2(k) of dihedraltype
   7 Automata for geodesic representatives of P+I2(k)
   8 Unique-geodesic word acceptors constructed by subset construction
   9 The spherical growth series of P+I2(k)
   10 The spherical growth series of PI2(k)
 Part V: Music and Group Actions
  Mathematics and Group Theory in Music
  Athanase Papadopoulos
   1 Introduction
   2 A brief overview of the interaction between mathematics
   and music
   3 The music of OlivierMessiaen
   4 Rhythm
   5 Counterpoint
   6 Modes of limited transposition