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  • 清华大学出版社、北京交通大学出版社
  • 9787810823777
  • 210708

Part One Chapter 1 What Is Rhetoric? 1.1 Rhetoric and oratory 1.2 Conntation of rhetoric 1.3 Definitions of rhetoric 1.4 Five assumptions Exercises Chapter 2 Brief History of Western Rhetoric 2.1 Classical rhetoric 2.2 Rhetoric in the Middle Ages 2.3 Rhetoric in the Renaissance 2.4 New Classical Rhetoric 2.5 Contemporary rhetoric 2.6 Conclusion Exercises Chapter 3 The Importance of Learning English Rhetoric ExercisesPart Two Chapter 4 Choice of Words Chapter 5 Choice of SentencesPart Three Chapter 6 Introduction:Figures of Speech Chapter 7 Phonetic Figures of Speech Chapter 8 Syntactic Figures of Speech(I) Chapter 9 Syntactic Figures of Speech(II) Chapter 10 Semantic Figures of Speech Chapter 11 Logical Figures of SpeechAppendix A A Genaral Test on Figures of SpeechAppendix B Keys to the ExercisesAppendix C Answers to General Test on Figures of SpeechBibliographyIndex