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  • 北京大学医学出版社
  • 9787565908026
  • 1版
  • 186592
  • 48219699-5
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2014年7月
  • 医学
  • 临床医学
  • R72
  • 医学
  • 研究生、本科
Chapter 1
Recognizing Anything: An Introduction to Imaging
  Let There Be Light... and Dark, and Shades of Gray
  Conventional Radiography (Plain Films)
  Computed Tomography (CI or CAT Scans)
  Ultrasound (US)
  Magnetic Resonance imaging (MR )
  The Best System Is the Qne That Works
  Conventions Used in This Book
Chapter 2
Recognizing Normal Chest Anatomy and a Technically
Adequate Chest Radiograph
  The Normal Frontal Chest Radiograph
  The Lateral Chest Radiograph
  Five Key Areas on the Lateral Chest X-Ray
  Evaluating the Chest Radiograph for Technical Adequacy  
Chapter 3
Recognizing Airspace Versus Interstitial Lung
  Classifying Parenchymal Lung Disease  
  Characteristics of Airspace Disease  ]
  Some Causes of Airspace Disease  
  Characteristics of Interstitial Lung Disease  
  Some Causes of Interstitial Lung Disease  
Chapter 4
Recognizing the Causes of an Opacified
  Atelectasis of the Entire Lung  
  Massive Pleural Effusion  
  Pneumonia of an Entire Lung  
Chapter 5
Recognizing Atelectasis  
  What Is Atelectasis?  
  Signs of Atelectasis  
  Types of Atelectasis  
  Patterns of Collapse in Lobar Atelectasis  
  How Atelectasis Resolves  
Chapter 6
Recognizing a Pleural Effusion  
  Normal Anatomy and Physiology of the Pleural Space  
  Causes of Heural Effusions  
  Types of Pleural Effusions  
  Side Specificity of Pleural Effusions  
  Recognizing the Different Appearances of Pleural Effusions  
  Loculated Effusions  
Chapter 7
Recognizing Pneumonia  
  General Considerations  
  General Characteristics of Pneumonia  SO
  Patterns of Pneumonia  
  Localizing Pneumonia  SS
  How Pneumonia Resolves  
Chapter 8
Recognizing Pneumothorax, Pneumomediastinum,
Pneumopericardium, and Subcutaneous
  Recognizing a Pneumothoraxg
  Recognizing the Pitfalls in Overdiagnosing a Pneumothorax  
  Types of Pneumothoraces  
  Causes ofa Pneumothorax  
  Other Ways to Diagnose a Pneumothorax  
  Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema  
  Recognizing Pneumomediastinum  
  Recognizing Pneumopericardium  
  Recognizing Subcutaneous Emphysema  
Chapter 9
Recognizing Adult Heart Disease  
  Recognizing an Enlarged Cardiac Silhouette  
  Pericardial Effusion  
  Extracardiac Causes of Apparent Cardiac Enlargement  
  Effect of Projection on Perception of Heart Size  
  Identifying Cardiac Enlargement on an Anteroposterior Chest
  Recognizing Cardiomegaly on the Lateral Chest Radiographg
  Recognizing Cardiomegaly in Infants  
  Normal Cardiac Contours  
  Normal Pulmonary Vasculature  
  General Principles of Cardiac Imaging  
  Recognizing Common Cardiac Diseases  
Chapter 10
Recognizing the Correct Placement of Lines and Tubes:
Critical Care Radiology  
  Endotracheal and TracheostomyTubes  
  Intravascular Catheters  
  Pulmonary Drainage Tubes (Chest Tubes, Thoracotomy Tubes)  
  Cardiac Devices  
  Gastrointestinal Tubes and Lines
Chapter 11
Computed Tomography: Understanding the Basics and
Recognizing Normal Anatomy  
  Introduction to CT  
  Intravenous Contrast in CT Scanning  
  Oral Contrast in CTScanningg
  Normal Chest CT Anatomy
  Cardiac CT
  Abdominal CT
Chapter 12
Recognizing Diseases of the Chest
Mediastinal Masses
Anterior Mediastinum  g
Middle Mediastinum  ]  
Posterior Mediastinum  ]
  Solitary Nodule/Mass in the Lung
  Bronchogenic Carcinoma
  Metastatic Neoplasms in the Lung  t
  PulmonaryThromboembolic Disease
  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  BIebs and Bullae, Cysts and Cavities
Chapter 13
Recognizing the Normal Abdomen: Conventional
  What to Look For
  Normal Bowel Gas Pattern
  Normal Fluid Levels
  Differentiating Large from Small Bowel
  Acute Abdominal Series: The Views and What They Show
Chapter 14