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  • 人民邮电出版社
  • 9787115390424
  • 1-6
  • 185011
  • 46212129-4
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2015年7月
  • 456
  • 306
  • H31
  • 金融
  • 本科
Part One Money and Economics
 Chapter 1 Money
  Learning Objectives
  Key Topics
  Section 1.1 What is Money?
  1.1.1 History of money
  1.1.2 Meaning of Money
  Section 1.2 Functions of Money
  1.2.1 Medium of Exchange
  1.2.2 Unit of Account
  1.2.3 Store of Value
  1.2.4 Standard of Deferred Payment
  Section 1.3 Evolution of the Payment System
  1.3.1 The forms of money
  1.3.2 Are we moving to a cashless society?
  Section 1.4 Measuring Money
  1.4.1 Theoretical and Empirical Definition of Money
  1.4.2 The federal reserve's monetary aggregates
  1.4.3 Money supply
  Section 1.5 Money Policy
  Additional Readings
 Chapter 2 Financial Markets
  Learning Objectives
  Key Topics
  Section 2.1 What is Financial Market?
  2.1.1 Definition of financial market
  2.1.2 Constituents of financial market
  Section 2.2 Functions of Financial Markets
  2.2.1 Intermediary Functions
  2.2.2 Financial Functions
  Section 2.3Currency (Money) markets
  2.3.1 Participants
  2.3.2 Functions of the money market
  2.3.3 Common money market instruments
  Section 2.4 Capital markets
  2.4.1 Deeply view to capital market
  2.4.2 Examples of capital market transactions
  2.4.3 Raising Capitals
  Section 2.5 Derivative products market
  2.5.1 Future Contracts
  2.5.2 Forward Contracts
  2.5.3 Optional contracts
  Additional Readings
 Chapter 3 Polities and ?Economics
  Learning Objectives
  Key Topics
  Section 3.1 Macroeconomics & Polities
  3.1.1 Games between policy makers and voters
  3.1.2 Games between Policy Makers
  Section 3.2 An General Perspective on the Political Economy of ""Big Change""
  3.2.1 The Social-Political Context and Co-Evolution
  3.2.2 Embeddedness
  3.2.3 The Dilemma of Knowledge as a Product and a Resource
  3.2.4 The Global perspective on the evolution
  3.2.5 Evolutionary Social-Economic ""intricacy""
  3.2.6 The Initiation of Self Re-Enforcing Growth
  Section 3.3 Explosive Change of evolution and Communitarian Collective Ownership
  3.3.1 The Fall - Variety Constraining Order
  3.3.2 Self Organization and Economics
  3.3.3 Communitarian[12] Collective Ownership and Strategic Networks
  Additional Readings
Part Two Banking Industry in China
 Chapter 4 Central Bank-PBC
  Learning Objectives
  Key Topics
  Section 4.1 The Reform of PBC
  4.1.1 Definition of 'Central Bank'
  4.1.2 Transformation of the PBC
  4.1.3 Reform the Current Financial Structure
  Section 4.2 The Functions of PBC
  4.2.1 The Reason for Transformation
  4.2.2 The Biggest Change of the Functions of the PBC
  4.2.3 The Functions of PBC
  Section 4.3 The Instruments of Central Banking
  4.3.1 Open Market Operation
  4.3.2 Reserve Requirements
  4.3.3 Rediscount
  Additional Readings
 Chapter 5 Commercial Banks
  Learning Objectives
  Key Topics
  Section 5.1 Introduction
  Section 5.2 What a Bank Is?
  5.2.1 The Role of the Banking Sector in China
  5.2.2 Vigorous Development of the Banking Sector
  5.2.3 Increased Openness of the Banking Sector
  Section 5.3 Intermediary Services
  5.3.1 Settlement-Payments and Funds Transfer
  5.3.2 Plastic Money
  5.3.3 International Settlement
  Section 5.4 Loans
  5.4.1 Definition and Categories of Loans
  5.4.2 The Credit Process
  5.4.3 Post-Disbursement Management
  Section 5.5 Banking on the Internet
  5.5.1 Backgrounds
  5.5.2 On-Line Banking Products
  5.5.3 The Future Prospects of On-Line Banking
  Additional Readings
 Chapter 6 Supervision of Banking and Financial Institutions
  Learning Objectives
  Key Topics
  Section 6.1 Importance and Objectives?of Banking Supervision
Part Three Financial Instruments and Foreign Exchange
Part Four Insurance
Part Five Financial Letters
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