作者: 刘虹超
- 化学工业出版社
- 9787122077219
- 177931
- 2010-09
- 建筑
- 本科
UNIT 1Architecture & Architect建筑师的培养职业素质建筑历史与理论1 Reading 1The Education of the Architect2 Reading 2Glossary9 Reading 3What is Architecture16 Exercises20 Tips专业英语的基本特点21 UNIT 2Architectural Space建筑空间室内空间23 Reading 1Space as Language24 Reading 2Indoor Spaces30 Reading 3Centrifugal and Centripetal Space35 Exercises40 Tips建筑学主要英文网站41 UNIT 3Architectural Culture & Environment建筑文化建筑文脉建筑继承44 Reading 1Critical Innovation45 Reading 2Buildings Have Meaning50 Reading 3Nonstraightforward Architecture54 Exercises59 Tips检索和获取建筑英语资料方法61 UNIT 4Architectural Design & Form建筑设计建筑形式概念设计64 Reading 1Aesthetics?One of the Design Objectives65 Reading 2Design Traps71 Reading 3Memory Foundations77 Exercises81 Tips欧美城市设计的教学模式82 UNIT 5Architectural Technology & Structure建筑技术建筑结构建筑节能86 Reading 1Structure and Function87 Reading 2Controlling Fire92 Reading 3Buildings and Energy Balances97 Exercises100 Tips建筑相关的缩略语英语翻译102 UNIT 6Urban Design城市设计场地设计城市生活106 Reading 1Urban Plazas107 Reading 2Three Types of Outdoor Activities114 Reading 3Site Planning120 Exercises127 Tips专业英语论文写作128 UNIT 7Planning城市规划理论城市规划设计131 Reading 1Generators of Diversity132 Reading 2Principles of Smart Growth138 Reading 3Skyline and Roofscape146 Exercises151 Tips科技论文英文摘要的写作方法152 UNIT 8Urban Planing & Planning Charter城市规划工作范畴规划宪章155 Reading 1The Venice Charter 1964156 Reading 2What is Planning161 Reading 3The Nara Document on Authenticity(1994)167 Exercises170 Tips原真性视角下的中国建筑遗产保护171 UNIT 9Landscape景观设计职业概述方案陈述176 Reading 1Landscape Character177 Reading 2Five Rules for Explaining a Project183 Reading 3Definition of the Profession of Landscape Architect187 Exercises188 Tips欧美风景园林学相关称谓189 附录192 附录ⅠBibliography192 附录ⅡIllustration Credits193