- 机械工业出版社
- 9787111255963
- 1-2
- 174967
- 41181265-4
- 平装
- 16开
- 2012-10
- 326
- 236
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
- H315.9
- 公共素质课
- 本科
丛书序丛书前言前言Unit 1 Welcoming CustomersUnit 2 At Cocktail PartiesUnit 3 Global ForumUnit 4 Company IntroductionUnit 5 Visits and TalksUnit 6 Production ExhibitionUnit 7 Business Negotiation Unit 8 International CooperationUnit 9 Co—operation ProgramsUnit 10 Commodities FairUnit 11 Environmental ProtectionUnit 12 China and the WT0 Unit 13 Economic OrganizationsUnit 14 Reform and DevelopmentUnit 15 Exclusive Interviews Unit 16 China’S Economy