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  • 西安电子科技大学出版社
  • 9787560639307
  • 174688
  • 0046177959-7
  • 工学
  • 软件工程
  • TP312C
  • 无线电电子学电讯技术
  • 本科
Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Computer Hardware
  1.2  Software and Program
  1.3  Programming Languages
  1.4  History and Features of the C Programming Language
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 2  Basics of the C Programming Language
  2.1  Key Concepts
  2.2  Data Types
  2.3  Variables
  2.4  Constants
  2.5  printf and scanf
    2.5.1  printf
    2.5.2  scanf
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 3  Operators and Expressions
  3.1  Arithmetic Operators
  3.2  Assignment Operators
  3.3  Increment and Decrement Operators
  3.4  Bitwise Operators
  3.5  sizeof Operator
  3.6  Precedence and Order of Evaluation
  3.7  Type Conversions
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter4  Program ControlFlows
  4.1  Three Control Flows
  4.2  Flow Chart
  4.3  NS Diagram
  4.4  Continuation Control Flow
  4.5  Algorithms
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 5  Selections
  5.1  Relational Operators
  5.2  Logical Operators
  5.3  if-else
  5.4  if-else if-else
  5.5  Nested if-else
  5.6  switch-case
  5.7  Conditional Expressions
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 6  Loops
  6.1  while
  6.2  do-while
  6.3  for
  6.4  break and continue
  6.5  Nested Loops
  6.6  goto
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 7  Arrays
  7.1  One-Dimensional Arrays
  7.2  Arrays and Loops
  7.3  Sorting Algorithms
    7.3.1  Selection Sorting
    7.3.2  Bubble Sorting
    7.3.3  Insertion Sorting
    7.3.4  Another Sorting Algorithm
  7.4  Two-Dimensional Arrays
  7.5  Character Arrays and Strings
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 8  Functions
  8.1  Function Definitions
  8.2  Function Calls
  8.3  Formal Arguments and Actual Arguments
  8.4  Recursions
  8.5  Function Prototype Declarations
  8.6  Standard Library
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 9  Program Organization
  9.1  Organization of Large Programs
  9.2  Function Scope Rules
  9.3  Variable Scope Rules
  9.4  Variable Lifetimes and Initializations
  9.5  Preprocessor Commands
    9.5.1  File Inclusion Preprocessor Command
    9.5.2  Macro Substitution Preprocessor Commands
    9.5.3  Conditional Inclusion Preprocessor Commands
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 10  Structures and Unions
    10.1  Basics of Structures
    10.2  Structure Variables
    10.3  Structures with Functions and Arrays
  10.4  typedef
  10.5  Bit-fields in a Structure
  10.6  Basics of Unions
    10.6.1  Union Types and Variables
    10.6.2  Memory Allocation of Union Variables
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 11  Pointers
  11.1  Addresses and Pointers
  11.2  Pointer Variables
    11.2.1  Definitions of Pointer Variables
    11.2.2  Dereferences of Pointers
  11.3  Pointers and Arrays
    11.3.1  Memory Allocations of Arrays
    11.3.2  Pointers Point to One-dimensional Arrays
    11.3.3  Pointers Point to Two-dimensional Arrays
    11.3.4  Pointer Arrays
  11.4  Pointers and Functions
    11.4.1  Pointers Act as Arguments of Functions
    11.4.2  Functions That Return Pointer Values
    11.4.3  Pointers Point to Functions
  11.5  Pointers and Structures
    11.5.1  Pointers Point to Structures
    11.5.2  Dynamic Memory Allocation
  11.6  Basics of Linked Lists
    11.6.1  Creations of Linked Lists
    11.6.2  Other Operations of Linked Lists
  Questions & Exercises
Chapter 12  File Operations
  12.1  Files and File Types
  12.2  File Pointers
  12.3  Sequential File Access
    12.3.1  Read/Write Characters
    12.3.2  Read/Write Strings
    12.3.3  Read/Write Formatted Data
    12.3.4  Read/Write Data Block
  12.4  Random File Access
  12.5  Error Handling
  Questions & Exercises
Appendix A  ASCII Character Set
Appendix B  Precedence and Associativity of Operators
Appendix C  Summary of Standard Library
Appendix D  Introduction to Development Environments