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  • 人民邮电出版社
  • 9787115430953
  • 1-5
  • 173732
  • 64211797-2
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2016年10月
  • 290
  • 205
  • F7
  • 英语
  • 高职
Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronic Commerce
 Part 1 Lead-in
 Part 2 Intensive Reading
 Text A China’s Other E-commerce Giant Follows Its Own Path
 Text B Major Types of E-commerce
 Part 3 Situational Dialogue
 Dialogue 1 Running an Online Business
 Dialogue 2 What Kind of E-commerce Suits Our Business
 Part 4 Extensive Reading
 Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice
Chapter 2 E-marketing
 Part 1 Lead-in
 Part 2 Intensive Reading
 Text A How to Make Your E-mail Marketing Simple,Clear and Awesome
 Text B What’s SEO
 Part 3 Situational Dialogue
 Dialogue 1 Common Types of E-marketing
 Dialogue 2 Social Media Networks in China
 Part 4 Extensive Reading
 Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice
Chapter 3 Electronic Payment
 Part 1 Lead-in
 Part 2 Intensive Reading
 Text A How to Use PayPal on the Google Play Store
 Text B How to Use Apple Pay
 Part 3 Situational Dialogue
 Dialogue 1 Different Types of E-payment
 Dialogue 2 How Electronic Payment Works
 Part 4 Extensive Reading
 Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice
Chapter 4 Logistics Management
 Part 1 Lead-in
 Part 2 Intensive Reading
 Text A Amazon and Its Own Delivery
 Text B Using Logistics Technology to Start a Business
 Part 3 Situational Dialogue
 Dialogue 1 Send a Figure Through Express Mail
 Dialogue 2 Tracking the Mail
 Part 4 Extensive Reading
 Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises:Thinking and Practice
Chapter 5 Customer Relationship Management
 Part 1 Lead-in
 Part 2 Intensive Reading
 Text A What is Social CRM
 Text B How to Serve Your Social CRM in a Better Way
 Part 3 Situational Dialogue
 Dialogue 1 Introduce the CRM into the Company’s Management System
 Dialogue 2 How Could I Improve the Application of CRM in Sales
 Part 4 Extensive Reading
 Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises:Thinking and Practice
Chapter 6 Cyber-attack and Internet Fraud
 Part 1 Lead-in
 Part 2 Intensive Reading
 Text A How to Prevent Cyber-attack
 Text B Be Cautious When Shopping Online
 Part 3 Situational Dialogue
 Dialogue 1 Internet Fraud
 Dialogue 2 Hacked E-mail Account
 Part 4 Extensive Reading
 Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice
Chapter 7 Cross-border E-commerce
 Part 1 Lead-in
 Part 2 Intensive Reading
 Text A How to Develop Overseas Customers Online
 Text B How Not to Be a Spammer
 Part 3 Situational Dialogue
 Dialogue 1 Develop Foreign Customer by Face Book
 Dialogue 2 E-mail Direct Marketing in Foreign Trade
 Part 4 Extensive Reading
 Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice
Chapter 8 New Trends in E-commerce
 Part 1 Lead-in
 Part 2 Intensive Reading
 Text A The Era of“Internet+”in China
 Text B The Era of WeChat Business
 Part 3 Situational Dialogue
 Dialogue 1 Shopping with Smart Phone
 Dialogue 2 Cash Burning on E-commerce
 Part 4 Extensive Reading
 Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice
附录1 阅读篇章译文
附录2 课后练习参考答案
附录3 2010-2014年全国自考《电子商务英语》试卷及答案