Handbook of Moduli Vol.III(模手册 第三卷)(英文版)
作者: Gavril Farkas,Ian Morrison主编
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040351743
- 1版
- 170011
- 46253948-7
- 精装
- 16开
- 2012-12-07
- 800
- 578
- 理学
- 数学
- TG2-62
- 数学类
- 研究生及以上
Geometric Analysis combines differential equations and differential geometry. An important aspect is to solve geometric problems by studying differential equations. Besides some known linear differential operators such as the Laplace operator, many differential equations arising from differential geometry are nonlinear. A particularly important example is the Monge-Ampere equation. Applications to geometric problems have also motivated new methods and techniques in differential equations. The field of geometric analysis is broad and has had many striking applications. This handbook of geometric analysis provides introductions to and surveys of important topics in geometric analysis and their applications to related fields which is intend to be referred by graduate students and researchers in related areas.
Front Matter
Birational geometry for nilpotent orbits Yoshinori Namikawa
Cell decompositions of moduli space, lattice points and Hurwitz problems Paul Norbury
Moduli of abelian varieties in mixed and in positive characteristic Frans Oort
Local models of Shimura varieties, IGeometry and combinatorics Georgios Pappas, Michael Rapoport and Brian Smithling
Generalized theta linear series on moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves Mihnea Popa
Computer aided unirationality proofs of moduli spaces Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Deformation theory from the point of view of fibered categories Mattia Talpo and Angelo Vistoli
Mumford’s conjecture — a topological outlook Ulrike Tillmann
Rational parametrizations of moduli spaces of curves Alessandro Verra
Hodge loci Claire Voisin
Homological stability for mapping class groups of surfaces Nathalie Wahl