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  • 中山大学出版社
  • 9787306053947
  • 167036
  • 2015年9月
  • 未分类
  • 未分类
  • H31
Chapter 1 Next-generation Sequencing (NGS)
 Lesson 1 From Convention to Second-generation Sequencing
 Lesson 2 Application of Next-generation Sequencing
 Lesson 3 First Baby Born after Full Genetic Screening of Embryos
Chapter 2 Big Data
 Lesson 1 Too Much Information: Better Health from Big Data
 Lesson 2 Life Sciences in Big Data Era
 Lesson 3 Big Data Meets Public Health
Chapter 3 Personal Genomics & Personalized Medicine
 Lesson 1 The Advent of Personal Genome Sequencing
 Lesson 2 The Future of Personal Genomics
 Lesson 3 Obstacles to the Translation of Personalized Medicine into the Clinic
Chapter 4 Animal & Plant Genome Research and Its Agricultural Applications
 Lesson 1 Plant and Animal Sequencing
 Lesson 2 Animal Code: Our Favorite Genomes
 Lesson 3 Sequencing of Animal/Plant Genomes and Its Application
Chapter 5 Metagenomics
 Lesson 1 Metagenomics: The Science of Biological Diversity
 Lesson 2 How Gut Bacteria Help Make Us Fat and Thin
 Lesson 3 Next-generation Sequencing Propels Environmental Genomics to the Front Line of Research
Chapter 6 Genomes and Biodiversity
 Lesson 1 Genome IOK: a Proposal to Obtain Whole-Genome Sequence for 10 000 Vertebrate Species
 Lesson 2 Biodiversity, Genomes, and DNA Sequence Databases
 Lesson 3 Examples of Genome & Transcriptome Projects
Chapter 7 Biobanking
 Lesson 1 Current Status, Challenges, Policies & Bioethics of Biobanks
 Lesson 2 Building Better Biohank
 Lesson 3 Biobank Promises to Pinpoint the Cause of Disease
Chapter 8 Big Resources in Biobanks
 Lesson 1 Speeimen Types for DNA Net Earth
 Lesson 2 Specimen Collections in U. S. Biobanks: Results from a National Survey
 Lesson 3 Examples of Aquatic Biobanks Worldwide