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  • 北京大学出版社
  • 9787301224281
  • 3版
  • 156089
  • 0041151193-4
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2013年8月
  • 300
  • 156
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H31-43
  • 英语
  • 本专科
Unit 1
Part Ⅰ Preparatory
Part Ⅱ Language in Context
Text A My Greatest Olympic Prize
Part Ⅲ Toward Productive Language
Text B Extreme Sports
Unit 2
Part Ⅰ Preparatory
Part Ⅱ Language in Context
Text A Alfred Nobel, A Man of Peace
Part Ⅲ Toward Productive Language
Text B The Wake-up Call from Stockholm
Unit 3
Part Ⅰ Preparatory
Part Ⅱ Language in Context
Text A Six Celebrities Share What They've Learned
Part Ⅲ Toward Productive Language
Text B Talking to Your Parents
Unit 4
Part Ⅰ Preparatory
Part Ⅱ Language in Context
Text A Ways of Handling Stress
Part Ⅲ Toward Productive Language ...
Text B Stress
Unit 5
Part Ⅰ Preparatory
Part Ⅱ Language in Context
Text A Hollywood
Part Ⅲ Toward Productive Language ..
Text B Pageants
Unit 6
Part Ⅰ Preparatory
Part Ⅱ Language in Context
Text A A Brief History of Pop Music ~
Part Ⅲ Toward Productive Language
Text B Music and Health
Unit 7
Part Ⅰ Preparatory
Part Ⅱ Language in Context
Text A Culture Shock
Part Ⅲ Toward Productive Language
Text B Parachute Children
Unit 8
Part Ⅰ Preparatory
Part Ⅱ Language in Context
Text A How We Are Being Americanized
Part Ⅲ Toward Productive Language
Text B Amerlcamzatlon or Globalization