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  • 对外经济贸易大学出版社
  • 9787566312167
  • 148978
  • 2015年2月
  • 未分类
  • 未分类
  • D997


Part One Introduction
 Chapter One Description of the Subject
 Chapter Two The Sources of Private International Law
 Chapter Three Conflict Rules
Part Two A Brief History of Private International Law
 Chapter One The European Continental History
 Chapter Two The Anglo—American History
 Chapter Three The Clunese History
Part Three Subjects of Private International Law
 Chapter One Natural Persons
 Chapter Two Legal Persons
 Chapter Three States and International Organizations
Part Four International Civil Jurisdiction
 Chapter One Basic Theory of Jurisdiction
 Chapter Two International Civil Jurisdiction in Chinese People's Courts
Part Five General Part of Conflicts Law
 Chapter One Characterization
 Chapter Two Renvoi
 Chapter Three Proof of Foreign Law and Evasion of Law
 Chapter Four Ordre Public Reservation
Part Six Selected Areas of Conflict Rules
 Chapter One Capacities
 Chapter Two Contracts
 Chapter Three Torts
 Chapter Four Property
 Chapter Five Family Issues
 Chapter Six Succession
Part Seven Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Awards
 Chapter One Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
 Chapter Two Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
Part Eight The Latest Development of Private Internahonal Law Legislation in China
 Chapter One Legislative Background of the Conflicts Act of 2010
 Chapter Two Comments on the Important Issues of the Conflicts Ac
 Chapter Three A Commentary on the Judicial Interpretation (Ⅰ)