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  • 中山大学出版社
  • 9787306049933
  • 138519
  • 2014年8月
  • 未分类
  • 未分类
  • H319.4
  洪丹主编的《博雅阅读精读(3全国英语专业博雅系列教材)》12个单元,每单元由A、B两篇课文组成,每篇课文后附有文章注释,以帮助学习者更好地理解文章内涵。文章A(Text A)为主课文,由读前活动(Pre-reading Questions)、正文(Text)、注释(Notes)及课后练习(Exercises)组成。课文B(1Fext B)为副课文,是课文A在主题、语言技能等方面的延伸。
  课后习题的设计旨在提高学生的阅读能力及语言技能,并进一步培养学生独、立分析问题、解决问题的能力。其中,“课文理解(Text Comprehension)”以阅读为主线,引导学生通过对课后问题的思考,培养其阅读理解与分析语篇的能力及文化意识。“词汇和结构(Vocabulary and Structure)”通过词汇、语法及翻译.等练习引导学生逐步提高自身的语言基本功、语言敏感性等。一年级设计了“语法巩固(Grammar Consolidation)”部分,旨在较系统地巩固复习英语语法知识(多数中学已学过),考虑到来自不同地域的学生的水平差异,基本上通过以练习代巩固的形式进行,侧重于一些语法难点项目的练习,为进一步开展大学阶段的英语教学夯实语法基础。
Unit 1
 Text A You Are My Dictionary
 Text B Quintana
Unit 2
 Text A Friendship in an Age of Economics
 Text B Friendship: The Laws of Attraction
Unit 3
 Text A A Wife Gives Her Husband the Gift of Life
 TextB Boy onaBike
Unit 4
 Text A An Unassuming Billionaire: Warren Buffett
 Text B Steve Jobs: You've Got to Find What You Love
Unit 5
 Text A The Deer and the Nursing Home
 Text B The Summer of Raccoons
Unit 6
 Text A Reconstructing the Taj and Tourism
 Text B Oxford Revisited
Unit 7
 Text A Why We Strive for Status
 Text B The Cult of Busyness
Unit 8
 Text A Mother Tongue
 Text B Everything Had a Name
Unit 9
 Text A Grains of Hope
 Text B Genetically Modified Food: Are They Safe?
Unit I0
 Text A 8 Ways the Internet Has Changed the World
 Text B Does the Internet Make You Smarter?
Unit 11
 Text A Changing Conceptions of the American Dream
 Text B My Mother's Words of Wisdom
Unit 12
 Text A The Story of an Hour
 Text B A Telephone Call
Phrase List
Vocabulary List