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  • 复旦大学出版社
  • 9787309121568
  • 1-6
  • 135097
  • 50210216-3
  • 2020年5月
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H319.37
  • 公共英语
  • 公共课


Unit 1 DIY
 Passage I The Rise of Fashion DIY 2.0
 Passage 2 How Parenting Became a DIY Project
 Passage 3 Do-It-Yourself Adventure Tour
Unit 2 Privacy
 Passage 1 Are Colleges Invading Their Students' Privacy?
 Passage 2 Just How "Smart" Do You Want Your Blender (搅拌机) to Be?
 Passage 3 An Experiment to Opt Out of(退出} Big Data
Unit 3 Marriage
 Passage 1 Marry Him!
 Passage 2 Demand, Meet Supply
 Passage 3 Following a Wife's Move
Unit 4 Innovation
 Passage 1 Time to Fix Patents
 Passage 2 The Death of Innovation, the End of Growth
 Passage 3 The Future of Innovation Belongs to the Megacity
Unit 5 Financial Management
 Passage 1 Against Credit Cards
 Passage 2 In 10 Years, Banking Will Look Like a Sci-Fi Film
 Passage 3 Why Don't Americans Save More Money?
Unit 6 Urbanization
 Passage 1 Roads of Redemption (拯救)
 Passage 2 Urban Planning: Streetwise (适应都市生活的)
 Passage 3 The Rise of Ohina's High-Tech "Megacities"
Unit 7 Career
 Passage 1 The Career Ladder to Nowhere
 Passage 2 Millennial College Graduates: Young, Educated, Jobless
 Passage 3 The Hole in the Glass Ceiling Is Getting Bigger
Unit 8 Code of Nature
 Passage 1 They Really Are Concrete Jungles!
 Passage 2 We Have Crossed "Planetary Boundaries"
 Passage 3 The Future of Architecture: Moss(苔藓), Not Mirrors
Appendix Keys and Answers