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  • 化学工业出版社
  • 9787122167439
  • 01
  • 129701
  • 2013年7月
  • 353
  • 186
  • ①TQ02-33
  • 本科
  • 本科
0 Basic requirements for the experiments
 0.1 Previewing the experiment
 0.2 Forming group and dividing work
 0.3 Measuring the experimental data
 0.4 Reading and recording the experimental data
 0.5 Paying attention to the experimental process
 0.6 Managing the experimental data
 0.7 Preparing the report
1 Experiments in unit operations of chemical engineering
 1.1 Fluid flow resistance test
  1.1.1 Experimental purpose
  1.1.2 Basic principles
  1.1.3 Experimental equipment and process
  1.1.4 Experimental steps and considerations
  1.1.5 Experimental report
  1.1.6 Questions
  1.1.7 Examples of experimental data recording and data
  1.2 Determining operation characteristics of centrifugal
 1.2.1 Experimental purpose
  1.2.2 Basic principles
  1.2.3 Flow chart of experimental device
  1.2.4 Experimental steps and precautions
  1.2.5 Experimental report
  1.2.6 Questions
  1.2.7 Example of experimental data results
 1.3 Determination of the constant pressure filtration
  1.3.1 Experimental purpose
  1.3.2 Basic principles
  1.3.3 Flow diagram of experimental apparatus
  1.3.4 Experimental steps and notices
  1.3.5 Experimental reports
  1.3.6 Questions
  1.3.7 Example of experimental records and data results
 1.4 Measurement of convective heat transfer coefficient
  1.4.1 Experimental purpose
  1.4.2 Basic principles
  1.4.3 Experimental apparatus and procedures
  1.4.4 Experimental steps and precautions
  1.4.5 Experimental report
  1.4.6 Questions
  1.4.7 Example of experimental records and data results
 1.5 Experiment of solid fluidization
  1.5.1 Experimental purpose
  1.5.2 Basic principles
  1.5.3 Flow chart of experimental device
  1.5.4 Experimental steps and precautions
  1.5.5 Experimental report
  1.5.6 Questions
  1.5.7 Examples of experimental data records and data
 1.6 Distillation experiments
  1.6.1 Experimental purpose
  1.6.2 Basic principles
  1.6.3 Experimental apparatus and procedures
  1.6.4 Experimental steps and precautions
  1.6.5 Experimental report
  1.6.6 Questions
  1.6.7 Example of experimental data records and data results
 1.7 Absorption (desorption) experiment
  1.7.1 Determination of absorption mass transfer coefficient in
packed column
  1.7.2 Determination experiment of desorption mass transfer
coefficient in packed tower
 1.8 Determination of drying rate curve
  1.8.1 Experimental purpose
  1.8.2 Basic principles
  1.8.3 Experiment equipment and process
  1.8.4 Experimental procedures and precautions
  1.8.5 Experimental report
  1.8.6 Questions
  1.8.7 Experimental data records and data processing results
2 Demonstration experiments in unit operations of chemical
 2.1 Demonstration experiments of fluid pressure and its
  2.1.1 Experimental purposes
  2.1.2 Experimental equipment and procedure
  2.1.3 Demonstration
 2.2 Demonstration experiments of the fluid flow
  2.2.1 Experimental purposes
  2.2.2 Basic principle
  2.2.3 The experimental equipment and procedure
  2.2.4 Demonstration
 2.3 Demonstration experiments of fluid mechanical energy
distribution and conversion
  2.3.1 Experimental purposes
  2.3.2 Basic principle
  2.3.3 Experimental equipment and procedure
  2.3.4 Demonstration
 2.4 Demonstration experiments of the boundary layer
  2.4.1 Experimental purposes
  2.4.2 Basic principle
  2.4.3 The experimental equipment and procedure
  2.4.4 Demonstration
 2.5 Demonstration experiment of tower model
  2.5.1 Experimental purposes
  2.5.2 Experimental equipment and procedure
  2.5.3 Demonstration
 2.6 Demonstration experiments of the ambient flow
  2.6.1 Experimental purposes
  2.6.2 The experimental equipment and procedure
  2.6.3 Demonstration
3 Experimental error analysis and data processing
 3.1 Experimental error analysis
  3.1.1 Basic concepts of experimental error
  3.1.2 Basic properties of the error
 3.2 The data processing of the experimental results
  3.2.1 Processing of significant figures
  3.2.2 Data processing of experimental results
4 Measuring instrument and measuring method
Appendix 1 Units of measurements and conversion of units
Appendix 2 Data table in common use