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以下为《体验商务英语 教师用书4 (第二版)(附出题软件)》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040348569
  • 2
  • 122525
  • 44213426-8
  • 平装
  • 异16开
  • 2012-08-31
  • 600
  • 255
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • F7
  • 英语、商务英语
  • 本科、高职高专



 Notes on units
  Unit 1 Communication
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 2 International marketing
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 3 Building relationships
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 4 Success
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 5 Job satisfaction
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 6 Risk
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 7 E-commerce
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
   Unit A
  Unit 8 Team building
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 9 Raising finance
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 10 Customer service
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 11 Crisis management
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 12 Management styles
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 13 Takeovers and mergers
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
  Unit 14 The future of business
   At a glance
   Business brief
   Lesson notes
   Unit B
 Text Bank
  Teacher’s notes
  Unit 1 Communication
   Communication with employees
   The communication value of corporate websites
  Unit 2 International marketing
   The fate of global brands
   Moving your brand image upmarket
  Unit 3 Building relationships
   Partnering among consultancies
   Blogging as a relationship tool
  Unit 4 Success
   A company strategy for a successful product
   A record year for a supermarket chain
  Unit 5 Job satisfaction
   Managing flexible working practices
   Satisfying employees and customers
  Unit 6 Risk
   The priority of safety
   The risk of loss of brand value and reputation
  Unit 7 E-commerce
   Internet shopping – ten years on
  Unit 8 Team building
   Managing teams across different countries and cultures
   Team-building exercises
  Unit 9 Raising finance
   Options for start-up companies
   An alternative to the banks
  Unit 10 Customer service
   Using technology to handle customers
   Customer satisfaction surveys
  Unit 11 Crisis management
   Managing crises effectively
   Carrying out a rescue plan
  Unit 12 Management styles
   Leadership qualities
   The advantages of diplomats
  Unit 13 Takeovers and mergers
   A year after a merger
   How to manage takeovers and mergers
  Unit 14 The future of business
   Solving impossible problems
   Keeping up with technology
   Text bank answer key
 Resource Bank
  Teacher’s notes
  Unit 1 Communication
   Problem-solving on the phone
  Unit 2 International marketing
  Unit 3 Building relationships
  Unit 4 Success
  Unit 5 Job satisfaction
   Handling difficult situations
  Unit 6 Risk
   Reaching agreement
  Unit 7 E-commerce
  Unit 8 Team building
   Resolving conflict
  Unit 9 Raising finance
   Negotiating: tactics
  Unit 10 Customer service
   Active listening
  Unit 11 Crisis management
   Asking and answering difficult questions
  Unit 12 Management styles
   Socialising: putting people at ease
  Unit 13 Takeovers and mergers
   Summarising in presentations
  Unit 14 The future of business
   Telephoning: getting the right information
  Translation reference
   Business brief
   Audio scripts