涉外秘书英语 / 高职高专工作过程导向新理念规划教材·秘书系列
作者: 韩乃臣
- 清华大学出版社
- 9787302246404
- 1-2
- 122305
- 16开
- 2015-12
- 文学
- 中国语言文学
- C931.46
- 英语
- 高职
《涉外秘书英语》以高等职业教育应用英语专业涉外文秘方向的学生就业为导向,在行业专家的指导下,贯彻以“学生”为中心,以“实践”为核心,以“项目”为载体,以“企业”参与为平台的原则,致力于打造高标准的职业方向课程教材。本教材以一个虚拟的项目贯穿于整个课程。贯穿项目由课程模块体现,每个模块下设子项目,由这些子项目来构成整个贯穿项目。全书共分18个单元,各单元内容既自成一体,又互相联系。每个单元包括warming-up,introduction to the topic,situational dialogue,practice,course project五个环节。
project 1 job interview
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 2 job duties
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 3 company history and corporate culture
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 4 company organizational structure
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 5 office equipment
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 6 on the phone
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 7 instruction and request
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 8 at a meeting
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 9 e-mail
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 10 memos
ⅰ. warming-up
introducnon to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 11 meeting minutes
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 12 business report
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 13 meeting guests at the airport
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 14 company presentation
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 15 product presentation
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 16 business dinners
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 17 booking a hotel room
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 18 booking tickets
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 2 job duties
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 3 company history and corporate culture
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 4 company organizational structure
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 5 office equipment
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 6 on the phone
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 7 instruction and request
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 8 at a meeting
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 9 e-mail
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 10 memos
ⅰ. warming-up
introducnon to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 11 meeting minutes
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 12 business report
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 13 meeting guests at the airport
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 14 company presentation
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 15 product presentation
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 16 business dinners
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 17 booking a hotel room
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project
project 18 booking tickets
ⅰ. warming-up
ⅱ. introduction to the topic
ⅲ. situational dialogue
ⅳ. practice
ⅴ. course project