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  • 北京大学出版社
  • 9787301235478
  • 2版
  • 112785
  • 0063158724-3
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2014年2月
  • 260
  • 280
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H319.9
  • 非英语专业
  • 高职
Unit 1 Business Trip
  Part Ⅰ Listening and Speaking/2
  Part Ⅱ Reading/5
    Text A  Introduction tO Chinese Visa/5
    Text B  Online Chedc-in Service/9
  Part Ⅲ  Writing:Departure Card/ArrivaI Card/12
  Part Ⅳ  CulturaI Express:The Importance of Security Check/15
Supplementary Vocabulary/15
Unit 2 Hotel
  Part ⅠListening and Speaking/18
  Part Ⅱ  Reading/20
    TextA  General Introduction to Hotel Management/20
    Text B The Front Office/23
Part Ⅲ  Writing:A HoteI Reservation Card/26
Part Ⅳ  Cultural Express:What’S the Best Choice for Hotels/28
  Supplementary Vocabulary/29
Unit 3 Banking
Part Ⅰ Listening and Speaking/32
Part Ⅱ  Reading/35
    Text A  Electronic Banking/35
    TextB Credit Card 739
  Part Ⅲ  Writing:PaVment Reminder/42
  Part Ⅳ  CulturaI Express:Many Ways to Bank Online/46
  Supplementary Vocabulary/47
  Part Ⅰ Listening and Speaking/50
  Part Ⅱ  Reading/52
    TextA TESC0/52
    TextB The DepartmentStore/55
  Part Ⅲ Writing:Complaints and Claims/58
  Part Ⅳ Cultural Express:Factory outlets/60
  Supplementary Vocabulary/61
  Part Ⅰ Listening and Speaking/63
  Part Ⅱ  Reading,65
    Text A Introduction ofApple Inc./66
    Text B How tO Face Your Ftrst Day Like a Pro/69
  Part Ⅲ Writing:A Company Profile/71
  Part Ⅳ  CulturaI Express:Wal.Mart’S Influence Grows/72
Supplementary Vocabulary|14
  Part Ⅰ Listening and Speaking/76
  Part Ⅱ  Reading,81
    TextA RedBull Gives You a Business Strategy/81
    TextB Ten Ways to Handle Customer’s Complaint/84
Part Ⅲ Writing:Memo/87
Part Ⅳ Cultural Express:How to Form a Business Partnership/89
Supplementary Vocabulary/90
Part Ⅰ Listening and Speaking/92
Part Ⅱ  Reading/94
    TextA Audi’S New Dynamism/94
    TextB You Should ThinkAbouta Job Selling Cars/98
Part Ⅲ Writing:Table/Graph Composition/101
Part Ⅳ  Cultural Express:Beetle一2014 VW Beetle Features—Volkswagen
    of America/104
Supplementary Vocabulary/105
Unit 8 E-commerce
  Part Ⅰ Listening and Speaking/108
  Part Ⅱ  Reading/111
    TextA Introduction to E—business/111
    TextB E-Money/114
  Part Ⅲ Writing:0rders/117
  Part Ⅳ Cultural Express:I nternet Marketing/121
Supplementary Vocabulary/122