- 科学出版社
- 9787030165664
- 02
- 103506
- 69246151-0
- 平装胶订
- 2007-07
- 医学
- 临床医学
- 高等医学
- 本科
CONTENTSParf 1 Disorders of The Respir-atory System (1)Chapter 1 Acute Upper Respiratory Infection And Acute Bronchitis (1)Chapter 2 Pulmonary Infectious Disease (5)Chapter 3 Broncluectasis (23)Chapter 4 Pulmonary Tuberculosis (30)Chapter 5 Chroruc Obstructive Pulm-onary Disease (COPD)Chapter 7 Pulmonary Embolism (66)Chapter 8 Pulmonary Hypertension And Cor Pulmonale (72)Chapter 9 Interstitial Lung Diseases (Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease) (82)Chapter 10 Pleural Diseases (93)Chapter 11 Bronchogenic Carcinoma (103)Chapter 12 Sleep Apnea Syndrome (109)Chapter 13 Respiratory Failure (113)Chapter 14 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) And Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) (120)Part 2 Disorders of The Cardio-vascular System (126)Chapter 1 Approach to Cardiovascu-lar Disease (126)Chapter 2 Heart Failure (130)Chapter 3 Cardiac Arrthythmia (142)Chapter 5 Hypertension (159)Chapter 6 Coronary Atherosclerotic He-art Diseases (173)Chapter 7 Valvular Heart Disease (228)Chapter 8 Infective Endocarditis (239)Chapter 9 Myocardial Disease (248)Chapter 10 Pericardial Disease (255)Chapter 11 Congenital Heart Diseases (260)Chapter 12 Vascular Disease (269)Chapter 13 The Catheterization Ther-apy of Cardiovascular Disease (280)Part 3 Disorders of The Diges-tive System (282)Chapter 1 General Introduction of Ga-strointestinal Disease (282)Chapter 2 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (292)Chapter 3 Gastroesophageal Reflux Di-sease (306)Chapter 4 Esophageal Cancer (309)Chapter 5 Gastritis (314)Chapter 6 Gastric Carcinoma (319)Chapter 7 Inflammatory Bowel Disease (322)Chapter 8 Intestinal Tuberculosis (338)Chapter 9 Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (343)Chapter 10 Disorders of Absorption (352)Chapter 11 Colorectal Cancer (363)Chapter 12 Gastrointestinal Bleeding (368)Chapter 13 Approach to The Patient With Liver Disease (373)Chapter 14 Alcoholic Liver Disease (382)Chapter 15 Cirrhosis and Its Complic-ations (387)Chapter 16 Toxic and Drug-Induced Hepatitis (402)Chapter 17 Autoimmune Hepatitis (413)Chapter 18 Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (415)Chapter 19 Carcinomas of The Liver (417)Chapter 20 Jaundice (421)Chapter 21 Approach to the Patient With Pancreatic Disease (430)Chapter 22 Acute Pancreatitis (434)Chapter 23 Chronic Pancreatitis (442)Chapter 24 Pancreatic Cancer (445)Part 4 Disorders of The Urinary System (448)Chapter 1 General Introduction (448)Chapter 2 Outline of Glomerular Disease (456)Chapter 3 Primary Glomerular Diseases (464)Chapter 4 Nephrotic Syndrome (471)Chapter 5 IgA Nephropathy (478)Chapter 6 Interstitial Nephritis (480)Chapter 7 Urinary Tract Infection (483)Chapter 8 Tubular Disorders (490)Chapter 9 Renal Vascular Disease (493)Chapter 10 Acute Renal Failure (496)Chapter 11 Chronic Renal Failure (500)Parf 5 Disorders of Blood And Hemopoietic System (511)Chapter 1 Approach to Blood And He-mopoietic Diseases (Outline) (511)Chapter 2 Anemias (Outline) (514)Chapter 3 Iron Deficiency Anemia (517)Chapter 4 Megaloblastic Anemia (519)Chapter 5 Aplastic Anemia (521)Chapter 6 Hemolytic Anemia (523)Chapter 7 Neutropenia And Agranulo-cytosis (529)Chapter 8 Myelodysplastic Syndrome (531)Chapter 10 Lymphomas (542)Chapter 11 Multiple Myeloma (546)Chapter 12 Malignant Histiocytic Dis-order (549)Chapter 13 Myeloproliferative Disorders (551)Chapter 14 Hypersplenism (557)Chapter 15 Hemorrhagic Disease (558)Chapter 16 Vascular Purpura (561)Chapter 17 Thrombocytopenic Purpura (563)Chapter 18 Coagulation Defective Dis-eases (565)Chapter 19 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (570)Chapter 20 Hypercoagulable States (572)Chapter 21 Blood Transfusion And The Reaction to Blood Transfusion (574)Chapter 22 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (578)Parf 6 Disorders of Endocrine And Metabolic System (581)Chapter 1 Approaches to Endocrine And Metabolic Disease (581)Chapter 2 Pituitary Tumors (591Chapter 3 Hypopituitarism (595)Chapter 4 Diabetes Insipidus (598)Chapter 5 Syndrome of lnappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (600)Chapter 6 Multinodular Goiter And Solitary Thyroid Adenoma (602Chapter 7 Hyperthyroidism (Thyroto-xicosis) (604)Chapter 8 Hypothyroidism And Myxed-ema (611)Chapter 10 Primary Hyperparathyroi-dism (617)Chapter 11 Hypoparathyroidism (621)Chapter 12 Hypercortisolism (Cushing's Syndrome) (625)Chapter 13 Hyperaldosteronism (Primary Aldosteronism) (628)Chapter 14 Addison's Disease And Ad-renal Crisis (632)Chapter 15 Pheochromocytoma (635)Chapter 16 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (638)Chapter 17 Paraneoplastic Endocrine Syndromes (640)Chapter 18 Diabetes Mellitus (642)Chapter 19 Hypoglycemia (659)C