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  • 清华大学出版社
  • 9787302414155
  • 1-1
  • 94194
  • 0043160172-3
  • 平装
  • 2015年9月
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H319.37
  • 英语
  • 研究生、本科
  张文渊、程维主编的《高级英语精读教程(1)》共包含10个单元,内容涉及气候变化、宏观经济、社会动态、金融投资、大数据、社会舆论、国际组织、品牌文化等方面,题材丰富,体裁多样,视角独特。此外,本书还有形式多样的练习模块:Preparation中的术语准备和背景知识搜索有助于拓展学生的知识面并帮助他们构建新知;Points and Structure可提高学生对文章结构和细节的把握,并锻炼学生的信息分析和信息捕捉能力;Words and Expressions可帮助学生积累词汇和相关表达,夯实语言基础;Application锻炼学生的演讲与翻译能力。
Unit 1 Climate Talks
  Text At Climate Talks, a Familiar Stando Between U.S. and China
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application
Unit 2 Macroeconomic Analysis
  Text China on the Move
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application
Unit 3 Public Service
  Text A Bit Richer, but a Bit Sicker
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application
Unit 4 Investment
  Text e Sun Valley Conference
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application
Unit 5 Technology
  Text Big Data—How It’s Changing the Way
  We ink About the World
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application
Unit 6 Reading from Literature: Classic Essay
  Text Fear of Public Opinion
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application
Unit 7 Media
  Text Regarding the Torture of Others
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application
Unit 8 International Organization
  Text Why We Still Need the World Bank
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application
Unit 9 Reading from Literature: Short Story
  Text He
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application
Unit 10 Business
  Text What Becomes an Icon Most?
  I Points and Structure
  II Words and Expressions
  III Application