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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040264753
  • 3
  • 86335
  • 0045154220-3
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2009-07-17
  • 490
  • 419
  • 工学
  • 材料科学与工程







 第一章 绪论
  §1-1 材料力学的任务与研究对象
  §1-2 材料力学的基本假设
  §1-3 外力与内力
  §1-4 应力
  §1-5 应变
  §1-6 胡克定律
  §1-7 杆件变形的基本形式
 第二章 轴向拉压应力与材料的力学性能
  §2-1 引言
  §2-2 轴力与轴力图
  §2-3 拉压杆的应力与圣维南原理
  §2-4 材料拉伸时的力学性能
  §2-5 材料拉压力学性能进一步研究
  §2-6 应力集中概念
  §2-7 许用应力与强度条件
  §2-8 连接部分的强度计算
  *§2-9 结构可靠性设计概念简介
 第三章 轴向拉压变形
  §3-1 引言
  §3-2 拉压杆的变形与叠加原理
  §3-3 桁架节点位移分析与小变形概念
  §3-4 拉压与剪切应变能
  §3-5 简单拉压静不定问题
  *§3-6 热应力与初应力
  *§3-7 拉压杆弹塑性分析简介
  *§3-8 结构优化设计概念简介
 第四章 扭转
  §4-1 引言
  §4-2 扭力偶矩计算与扭矩
  §4-3 圆轴扭转横截面上的应力
  §4-4 圆轴扭转破坏与强度条件
  §4-5 圆轴扭转变形与刚度条件
  §4-6 简单静不定轴
  §4-7 非圆截面轴扭转
  §4-8 薄壁杆扭转
 第五章 弯曲内力
  §5-1 引言
  §5-2 梁的约束与类型
  §5-3 剪力与弯矩
  §5-4 剪力、弯矩方程与剪力、弯矩图
  §5-5 剪力、弯矩与载荷集度间的微分关系
  §5-6 刚架与曲梁的内力
 第六章 弯曲应力
  §6-1 引言
  §6-2 弯曲正应力
  §6-3 弯曲切应力
  §6-4 梁的强度条件
  §6-5 梁的合理强度设计
  §6-6 双对称截面梁的非对称弯曲
 第七章 弯曲变形
  §7-1 引言
  §7-2 挠曲轴近似微分方程
  §7-3 计算梁位移的积分法
  *§7-4 计算梁位移的奇异函数法
  §7-5 计算梁位移的叠加法
  §7-6 简单静不定梁
  §7-7 梁的刚度条件与合理刚度设计
 第八章 应力应变状态分析
  §8-1 引言
  §8-2 平面应力状态应力分析
  §8-3 应力圆
  §8-4 极值应力与主应力
  §8-5 复杂应力状态的最大应力
  §8-6 平面应变状态应变分析
  §8-7 广义胡克定律
  *§8-8 复杂应力状态下的应变能
  *§8-9 复合材料应力应变关系简介
 第九章 强度理论
  §9-1 引言
  §9-2 关于断裂的强度理论
  §9-3 关于屈服的强度理论
  §9-4 强度理论的应用
  §9-5 承压薄壁圆筒的强度计算
  *§9-6 关于强度理论的试验研究
  *§9-7 莫尔强度理论
 第十章 组合变形
  §10-1 引言
  §10-2 弯拉(压)组合
  §10-3 偏心压缩与截面核心概念
  §10-4 弯扭组合与弯拉(压)扭组合
  §10-5 矩形截面杆组合变形一般情况
 第十一章 压杆稳定问题
  §11-1 引言
  §11-2 两端铰支细长压杆的临界载荷
  §11-3 两端非铰支细长压杆的临界载荷
  §11-4 中、小柔度杆的临界应力
  §11-5 压杆稳定条件与合理设计
 附录A 截面几何性质
  §A-1 静矩与形心
  §A-2 极惯性矩
  §A-3 惯性矩
  §A-4 惯性矩平行轴定理
  §A-5 惯性积与惯性积平行轴定理
  §A-6 转轴公式与主惯性矩
 附录B 常用材料的力学性能
 附录C 常见截面的几何性质
 附录D 非圆截面轴扭转
 附录E 梁的挠度与转角
 附录F 型钢表
 Chapter 1 Introduction
  1-1 Objectives of Mechanics of Materials
  1-2 Basic Assumptions of Mechanics of Materials
  1-3 External and Internal Forces
  1-4 Stress
  1-5 Strain
  1-6 Hook's Law
  1-7 Fundamental Types of Deformation of Prismatic Bar
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 2 Stress under Axial Loading;Mechanical Properties of Materials
  2-1 Introduction
  2-2 Axial Force and Axial Force Diagrams
  2-3 Stress in an Axially Loaded Bar;Saint-Venant's Principle
  2-4 Mechanical Properties of Materials under Axial Tension
  2-5 Further Study on Properties of Materials under Axial Loading
  2-6 Stress Concentration
  2-7 Failure,Allowable stress and Strength Criterion
  2-8 Stress and Strength of Connections
  *2-9 Introduction to Reliability Design of Structure
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 3 Deformation under Axial loading
  3-1 Introduction
  3-2 Deformations of Axially Loaded Bars;Superposition Principle
  3-3 Deflection of Truss
  3-4 Strain Energy for Normal and Shearing Stress
  3-5 Statically Indeterminate Problems in Tension and Compression
  *3-6 Thermal and Initial Stresses
  *3-7 Introduction to Elastoplastic Analysis of Axially Loaded Bars
  *3-8 Introduction to Structural Optimum Design
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 4 Torsion
  4-1 Introduction
  4-2 Twisting Couples and Torque
  4-3 Torsional Stresses in a Circular Shaft
  4-4 Torsional Strength of Circular Shaft;Strength Criterion of Shaft
  4-5 Torsional Deformation of Circular Shaft;Stiffness Criterion of
  4-6 Statically Indeterminate Problems in Torsion
  4-7 Torsion of Noncircular Shafts
  4-8 Torsion of Thin-Walled Hollow Shafts
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 5 Internal Forces in Bending
  5-1 Introduction
  5-2 Types of Beams and Reactions
  5-3 Shear Forces and Bending Moments
  5-4 Shear-Force and Bending-Moment Diagrams
  5-5 Relations among Shear Forces,Bending Moments and Loads
  5-6 Internal Forces in Frames and Curved Beams
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 6 Bending Stresses
  6-1 Introduction
  6-2 Normal Stresses in Beams
  6-3 Shear Stresses in Beams
  6-4 Strength Criterion of Beams
  6-5 Optimum Design of Beams for Strength
  6-6 Unsymmetric Bending in Doubly Symmetric Beams
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 7 Deflections of Beams
  7-1 Introduction
  7-2 Differential Equations of the Deflection Curve
  7-3 Using Integration Method to Determine the Beam Deflections
  *7-4 Using Singularity Functions to Determine the Beam Deflections
  7-5 Using Superposition Method to Determine the Beam Deflections
  7-6 Statically Indeterminate Beams
  7-7 Stiffness Criterion of Beams;Optimum Design of Beams for Stiffness
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 8 Analysis of Stress and Strain
  8-1 Introduction
  8-2 Analysis of Plane Stress
  8-3 Mohr's Circle
  8-4 Maximum and Principle Stresses in Plane Stress
  8-5 Maximum Stresses in Three-Dimensional Stress
  8-6 Analysis of Plane Strain
  8-7 Stress-Strain Relations of Isotropic Materials
  *8-8 Strain Energy for General State of Stress
  *8-9 Introduction to the Stress-Strain Relations of Composite Materials
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 9 Theories of Failure
  9-1 Introduction
  9-2 Maximum Tensile Stress Theory;Maximum Tensile Strain Theory
  9-3 Maximum Shearing Stress Theory;Distortion Energy Theory
  9-4 The Applications of Failure Theories
  9-5 Thin-Walled Pressure Circular Cylinders
  *9-6 Experimental Verification of Failure Theories
  *9-7 Mohr Theory of Failure
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 10 Combined loading
  10-1 Introduction
  10-2 Combined Bending and Axial Load
  10-3 Eccentrical Loading;Core of Sections
  10-4 Combined Bending and Torsion;Combined Bending,Torsion and Axial Load
  10-5 General Cases of Combined Loading for Bars with Rectangular Cross-section
  Problems and Exercises
 Chapter 11 Buckling of Columns
  11-1 Introduction
  11-2 Critical Load for Pin-Ended Columns
  11-3 Critical Load for Non-Pin-Ended Columns
  11-4 Critical Stresses for Intermediate and Short Columns
  11-5 Stability Cretirion and Optimum Design of Columns
  Problems and Exercises
 Appendix A Geommetrical Propreties of Plane Areas
  A-1 Static Moment and Centroid of Area
  A-2 Polar Moment of Inertia
  A-3 Moments of Inertia
  A-4 Parallel Axis Theorem for Moments of Inertia
  A-5 Product of Inertia;Parallel Axis Theorem for Product of Inertia
  A-6 Transformation Equations and Principle Moment of Inertia
  Problems and Exercises
 Appendix B Mechanical Properties of Selected Engineering Materials
 Appendix C Geometrical Properties of Plane Areas
 Appendix D Torsion of Noncircular Shafts
 Appendix E Deflections and Slopes of Beams
 Appendix F Properties of Rolled-Steel Shapes
 A Brief Introduction to the Author