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以下为《双语版Java程序设计(Learn Java through English and Chinese)》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 电子工业出版社
  • 9787121169823
  • 1-7
  • 76206
  • 46217620-7
  • 平塑
  • 16开
  • 2019-07
  • 749
  • 360
  • 工学
  • 软件工程
  • TP312JA
  • 编程语言
  • 本科
chapter 1 genesis of java
  1.1 introduction
  1.2 java development today
  1.3 evolution of'c' based programming languages
  1.4 main features of java programming language
  1.5 javaapplet
  1.6 exercise for you
chapter 2 java overview
  2.1 concepts of oop
  2.2 more details on object-oriented programming
  2.3 write the first java program
  2.4 how to run the first java program
  2.5 lexical elements
  2.6 white space
  2.8 keywords
  2.9 identifiers
  2.10 java class library
  2.11 sample program practice
  .2.12 exercise for you
chapter 3 data types
  3.1 data types overview
  3.2 primitive types
  3.3 casting
  3.4 reference types
  3.5 summary
  3.6 complex data types
  3.7 composite data types
  3.8 casting variables to a different type
  3.9 java's floating point types
  3.10 variable
  3.11 record
  3.12 sample program practice
  3.13 exercise for you
chapter 4 operators
  4.1 arithmetic operators
  4.2 relational operators
  4.3 boolean logical operators
  4.4 bitwise and shift operators
  4.5 assignment operators
  4.6 the conditional operator
  4.7 the instanceofoperator
  4.8 special operators
  4.9 type conversion or casting
  4.10 sample program practice
  4.11 exercise for you
chapter 5 flowing contrl
  5.1 control statements
  5.2 selection statements
  5.3 repetition statements
  5.4 branching statements
  5.5 sample program practice
  5.6 exercise for you
chapter 6 class
  6.1 class definition
  6.2 declaring and instantiating an object
  6.3 constructor
  6.4 keyword "this"
  6.5 garbage collection
  6.6 static methods and static variables
  6.7 sample examples
  6.8 exercise for you
chapter 7 method
  7.1 method overloading
  7.2 parameter passing in java-by reference or by value
  7.3 recursion
  7.4 controlling access to members of a class
  7.5 static import
  7.6 arrays
  7.7 string
  7.8 command line arguments
  7.9 sample examples
  7.10 exercise foryou
chapter 8 inheritance
  8.1 derived classes
  8.2 abstract classes
  8.3 keyword"final
  8.4 sample example
  8.5 exercise for you
chapter 9 packages and interfaces
  9.1 package
  9.2 interface
  9.3 sample example
  9.4 exercise for you
chapter 10 eeception handing
  10.1 definition of exception
  10.2 the throw statement
  10.3 the finally statement
  10.4 runtime exceptions
  10.5 sample examples
  10.6 exercise for you
chapter 11 multithread
  11.1 multithread overview
  11.2 synchronization
  11.3 the life cycle of a thread
  11.4 sample examples
  11.5 exercise for you
chapter 12 input and output
  12.1 basic java i/o
  12.2 streams
  12.3 class file
  12.4 sample examples
  12.5 exercise for you
chapter 13 string handing
  13.1 the string class
  13.2 strings in java
  13.3 sample examples
  13.4 exercise for you
chapter 14 networking
  14.1 computer network basics
  14.2 url objects in java
  14.3 sockets in java
  14.4 sample examples
  14.5 exercise for you
chapter 15 applets
  15.1 applet overview
  15.2 life cycle, graphics, fonts, colors
  15.3 user interface components
  15.4 applet fundamentals
  15.5 working with urls and graphics
  15.6 using the instanceof keyword in java
  15.7 sample examples
  15.8 exercise for you
chapter 16 swing gui introduction
  16.1 event-driven programming
  16.2 event handling
  16.3 buttons, events,and other swing basics
  16.4 containers and layout managers
  16.5 menus and buttons
  16.6 text fields and text areas
  16.7 sample examples
  16.8 exercise foryou
chapter 17 programming with jdbc
  17.1 jdbc introduction
  17.2 connecting to the database
  17.3 basic database access
  17.4 sql data types and java data types
  17.5 scrollable result sets
  17.6 sample examples
  17.7 exercise for you