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  • 北京理工大学出版社
  • 9787568210805
  • 1
  • 73011
  • 2015-08-01
  • 管理学
  • 工商管理
  • F719.2
  • 酒店
  • 高职
李群,内蒙古机电职业技术学院公共管理系专职教师,具有十几年的教学工作经验,从2012年起担任公共管理系专业教研室主任,负责该教研室旅游英语和物业管理两个专业的日常工作.同时还从事英语教学和旅游英语专业的部分专业课程.曾经在内蒙古煤炭杂志担任一年的目录翻译工作. 近六年来,编者讲授的课程主要有《饭店管理概论》、《餐饮服务与管理》、《英语语音室训》、《大学英语》等。
本教材分6个模块, 包括星级酒店英语基本用语、星级酒店前厅部常用英语、星级酒店客房部常用英语、星级酒店餐饮部常用英语、星级酒店商务中心常用英语、星级酒店康乐部常用英语六个部分内容。每个模块按照工作流程安排相应的情景,再分为若干个情景.每个模块都以相应的形式确保每个岗位有三个以上的情景对话来描述和体现该岗位的服务用语,工作任务和归纳岗位规范,从而让学生能够切实理解和掌握在该岗位上应该做什么,应该说什么,怎么做,怎么说.在内容上结合当今星级饭店培训员工的英语手册,体现现代饭店的服务氛围和用语礼仪.在语言上,突出口语交际能力的培养和语言得体性的培养.

Part One General English for Hotel Service
Module I Courtesy Words
Section 1 Welcoming and Greeting
Section 2 Saying Thanks
Section 3 Saying Sorry
Section 4 Asking for Opinions
Section 5 Reminding and Farewell
Section 6 Wishing and Blessing
Section 7 Giving Directions
Module II Departments and Positions in a Hotel
Section 1 Departments in a Hotel
Section 2 Positions in a Hotel
Section 3 Abbreviations in a Hotel
Module III Everyday Expressions
Section 1 Numbers :
Section 2 Seasons and Weather
Section 3 Months and Week
Section 4 Time

Part Two Professional English for Hotel Service
Module I Front Office
Task 1 Room Reservation
Task 2 Check-in Service
Task 3 Concierge Service
Task 4 Information Service
Task 5 Operator Service
Task 6 Cashier and Check-out Service
Task 7 Dealing with Complaints
Module II The Housekeeping Department
Task 1 Guiding Guests to Their Rooms
Task 2 Room Cleaning/Chamber Service
Task 3 Laundry Service
Task 4 Problems and Maintenance Service
Task 5 Miscellaneous Services (1)
Task 6 Miscellaneous Services (2)
Task 7 Dealing with Emergency
Module III Food and Beverage Service
Task 1 Food and Beverage Reservation
Task 2 Reception Service
Task 3 Taking Orders Service
Task 4 Food Service
Task 5 Beverage Service
Task 6 Payment
Module IV Health and Recreation Club
Task 1 Physical Fitness Service
Task 2 Health Service
Task 3 Beauty Service
Task 4 Recreation Service
Module V Hotel Business Center
Task 1 Meetings Service
Task 2 Ticketing Service
Task 3 Fax, Typing and Photocopying Services
Task 4 Mail Service