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  • 复旦大学出版社
  • 9787309049381
  • 2-5
  • 56454
  • 0053170001-1
  • 平装
  • 长16开
  • 2009年
  • 法学
  • 法学
  • D9
  • 实用英语类
  • 本专科
《法律英语》(第二版)是一本法律专业英语教材,供具有大学英语三级以上英语水平的法律系学生及法律工作者使用。编写这套教材的宗旨是使其既具有法律内容上的系统性,又在语言上由浅入深,循序渐进,具有外语教材所必备的可操作性。 本教材的八个单元,简明而完整地介绍了美国法律的八个部分:导论、宪法、民事诉讼、财产、合同、票据、公司、侵权。每单元有若干篇课文,并配有大量口笔头练习,旨在帮助学生熟练掌握课文内容。此外,每单元还配有较多的案例阅读材料,以助学生深化对课文的理解。 使用本教材可达到一举两得的效果:取得对美国的司法制度及主要的民事商事法律的初步了解,并掌握基本的法律词汇和概念的英语表述。因此,对于有志于日后从事涉外业务的法律专业的学生和法律工作者,它将是一本不可多得的理想教材。
UNIT ONE Introduction to American Law Lesson One Law Under American Federalism Lesson Two The Dual Court SystemUNIT TWO Civil Litigation Lesson One The Adversary System Lesson Two Commencing a legal Action Lesson Three Pleadings and Motions Attacking Pleadings Lesson Four Discovery Lesson Five The Trial Lesson Six Appeal and Enforcement 案例阅读指导 CASES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States Alderman ltimore&Ohio Railway Co. Cross ited States Lindberger neralMotors Corp. Kozlowski ars,Roebuck&Co. Thiel uthern . Dobson v.M asonite Corp. Jones rris Plan Bank of Portsmouth UNIT THREE Constitutional Law Lesson One The Institutions of Government Lesson Two Separation of Powers Lesson Three Federal-State Relations Lesson Four Basic Rights CASES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING Marbury dison Youngstown Sheet&Tube wyer City of Philadelphia w Jersey Board of Regents th Brown ard of Education(FirstCase) United States rby Heart of Atlanta Motel ited States Ashcroft erican C ivil Liberties Union et al. Employment Division,Human Resources of Oregon ithUNIT FOUR Contracts Lesson One ContractForm ation and Classification Lesson Two Perform ance and Non-Perform ance Lesson Three Remedies and Computation of Damages Lesson Four Rights of Third Parties CASES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING McDonald bil Coal Producing,Inc. Louisa mer anklin Sidway John ibard psiCo,Inc. ACE Service neral Service Administration Handicapped Childrens Education Board of Sheboygan County kaszewski Acme Mills&Elevator hnson Equilease ate Federal S&L Association United States ex astal SteelErectors,Inc.v.A lgernon B lair,Inc. TrippeM anufacturing Company v.N iles Audio Corporation Finger Furniture Company monwealth Insurance Company UNIT FIVE Commercial Paper Lesson One Negotiable Instruments Lesson Two Rights of Holder in Due Course Lesson Three Check Collection Lesson Four The Bank and Its Customer:Rights,Duties and LiabilitiesCASES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING Bank of Miami orida City Express,Inc. Money Mart Check Cashing Center icycle Huber Glass nk of Kenosha hultz&Sons,nk of Suffolk County Dziurak e Chase Manhattan Bank,NA MidWisconsin Bank rsgard Trading,Inc. Wachovia Bank,deral Reserve Bank Guardian Life Insurance isman UNIT SIX Property Law Lesson One Basic Categories of Property Lesson Two Real Property(Ⅰ) Lesson Three Real Property(Ⅱ) Lesson Four Personal Property Lesson Five Intellectual Property CASES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING Susette Kelo,et al.v.C ity of New London,Connecticut,et al. Baker edon Matter of Cohn Ray ower Hospital Tenhet swell Hayes yes Baker ldenUNIT SEVEN Tort Law Lesson One Introduction to Tort Law Lesson Two Intentional Torts(Ⅰ) Lesson Three Intentional Torts(Ⅱ) Lesson Four Torts of Negligence Lesson Five StrictLiability and Tort Reform Lesson Six ProductLiability CASES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING Quinones ited States Faniel esapeake&Potomac Telephone Co. HustlerM agazine, rry Falwell Palsgraf ng Island Railroad Co. Chrystal e Hawkes Hospital Katko iney Chemawa Country Golf v.W nuk Greenman ba Power Products,Inc. UNIT EIGHT Corporate Law Lesson One Introduction Lesson Two Incorporation,O rganization and House Keeping Lesson Three Corporate Management and Control Lesson Four Dissolutions,Mergers and Consolidations Lesson Five Securities Regulation Lesson Six Contests for Control CASES FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING Lurie izona Fertilizer&Chem ical Co. Heller ylan Perlman ldmann Unilever Acquisition chardson-Vicks,Inc. Halperin anker c. Jernberg nn 576 Dellastatious v.W illiams Key to Exercises Vocabulary