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以下为《基础英语教程辅导用书 第3册》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 对外经济贸易大学出版社
  • 9787566308801
  • 53493
  • 2013-12
  • H31


Unit 1
 Text A: Why We Love Who We Love
 Text B: A Great Life
Unit 2
 Text A: How Could You
 Text B: Forget the Treadmill and Get a Dog
Unit 3
 Text A: An Open Letter to Earth
 Text B: The Earth Is Full
Unit 4
 Text A: Shall We Choose Death
 Text B: The Other Bomb
Unit 5
 Text A: Pursuit of Cooperation (Ⅰ)
 Text B: Pursuit of Cooperation (Ⅱ)
Unit 6
 Text A: There's Only One Way to Stop a Bully
 Text B: Bullying and Its Major Types
Unit 7
 Text A: Words from a Father
 Text B: A Father's Influence
Unit 8
 Tex t A: The Last Ride
 Text B: Why I Don't Believe in Ghosts
Unit 9
 Text A: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish (I)
 Text B: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish (II)
Unit 10
 Text A: The University of Wherever
 Text B: Flipping the Classroom
Unit 11
 Text A: Working Christmas Day
 Text B: The Spirit of Giving and Sharing
Unit 12
 Text A: Self-Confidence Is Rewarded
 Text B: Female Power
Unit 13
 Text A: Three Days to See (I)
 Text B: Three Days to See (II)
Unit 14
 Text A: The Technology for Monitoring Elderly Relatives
 Text B: A Nursing Home Shrinks Until It Feels Like a Home