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  • 重庆大学出版社
  • 9787562436010
  • 53003
  • 0043156026-7
  • 2011年6月
  • 文学
  • 新闻传播学
  • H319.9
  • 英语
  • 本科
Unit 1 Online World Part Ⅰ Generation M Part Ⅱ Online Life Part Ⅲ Onilne SecurityUnit 2 Dealing with Emotions Part Ⅰ What Is an Emotion Part Ⅱ Dealing with Negative Emotions Part Ⅲ How to Build Positive EmotionsUnit 3 It's only a Game Part Ⅰ The Olympic Games Part Ⅱ X-games Part Ⅲ Explore a Little FurtherUnit 4 Battling Deadly Viruses Part Ⅰ Animal Viruses and Their Impacts Part Ⅱ Battling Deadly Viruses Part Ⅲ Battling Discrimination and Indifferences During Outbreaks of Viral DiseasesUnit 5 Honesty Part Ⅰ Your View of Honesty Part Ⅱ Honesty vs. Dishonesty Part Ⅲ Live Up to Your Honesty and Safeguard Your RightUnit 6 Gender Issues Part Ⅰ Men Are from Mars,Women Are from Venus Part Ⅱ Stressed-out Girls Part Ⅲ Career WomenUnit 7 Hustle and Bustle Part Ⅰ Who Raised You Part Ⅱ Are You Busy Part Ⅲ Why Are You BusyUnit 8 Crime and Punishment Part Ⅰ Crimes and Criminals Part Ⅱ BTK Serial Killer Part Ⅲ Phony DiplomaUnit 9 Housing Problems Part Ⅰ There's No Place Like Home Part Ⅱ Housing Bubble Part Ⅲ Pressures of Modern SocietyUnit 10 Universe or Multiverse Part Ⅰ Introduction Part Ⅱ Somewhere out There Part Ⅲ UFOKeys to ExercisesTranscript