作者: 张力平
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040349757
- 1版
- 49955
- 42252465-2
- 平装
- 大大16开
- 2012-08-09
- 180
- 152
- 医学
- 基础医学
- R32-33
- 医学
- 本科
This laboratory text is used to guide the students'learning and training of microbiology,parasitology and immunology lab techniques,procedures and experiments.The outcome expected is students'capacity of doing research in laboratory of microbiology, parasitologyand immunology.
The manual consists of two parts:PartⅠ——outlines the 8 basic experiments.PartⅡ——outlines the 21 comprehensive experiments of microbiology,parasitology and immunology.The involved experiments are designed to help enhance and deepen the students'un-derstanding of microbiology,parasitology and immunology.