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  • 复旦大学出版社
  • 9787309053463
  • 1-10
  • 34644
  • 0053151100-4
  • 平装
  • 长16开
  • 2014年8月
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H319.9
  • 公共英语
  • 大中专
Unit 1  Stating That You Are Out of Money
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode: I'm Out of Money
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 2  Making the Best of a Bad Situation
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode: Don't Let It Get You Down
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 3  Making Yourself Understood When Booking Accommodations
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode: I'd Like to Make a Reservation, Please
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 4  Giving Advice to Someone Whose Life Is Too Busy
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode: Smell the Flowers
  Section  Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit5  Feeling Fed Up and Beted
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode: I'm Bored Silly
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 6 Talking About Finances
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode: I Need to Watch My Pennies
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit7  Speaking of Health
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode: Keep Regular Hours
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 8  Expressing Congratulations & Making Toasts
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode : Congratulations ! Bottoms up!
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun