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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040602197
  • 1版
  • 460045
  • 45243242-0
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2023-06-15
  • 990
  • 716
  • 土木、水利类
  • 本科

Structural Mechanics is an important course in the discipline of civil engineering. This book is intended primarily as a textbook for undergraduate and firstyear graduate courses of Structural Mechanics for civil engineers.

This book is based on the development and progress of structural mechanics course teaching in Tongji University during recent years: be themed with the basic concepts of mechanics and their rational applications, originated from the cognitive rules of the objective world, supported by engineering practice background, and aimed mainly at improving students’ qualities and abilities. It also reflects the development features and needs of the times of structural mechanics.

This book consists of 12 chapters. Chapters 1 to 5 mainly deal with analysis of statically determinate structures, including geometric construction, internal force and deformation, and influence line analysis. Chapters 6 to 9 deal with analysis of statically indeterminate structures, including force method, displacement method, matrix displacement method, practical and conceptual methods. Chapters 10, 11 and 12 deal with analysis of dynamics, stability and ultimate load problems, respectively.

This book can serve as a textbook for Structural Mechanics in the areas of civil engineering, transportation engineering, hydraulic engineering, mechanical engineering and mechanics, etc., and as a reference book for engineers and scientists in the relevant fields.


 Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1 Subjects and Primary Tasks of Structural Mechanics
  1.2 Analytical Diagrams of Structures
  1.3 Classification of Structures and Loads
  1.4 Basic Hypotheses
 Chapter 2 Geometric Construction Analysis of Plane Systems
  2.1 Introduction
  2.2 Necessary Conditions of Geometrically Stable Systems
  2.3 Basic Rules of Geometric Construction Analysis
  2.4 Examples of Geometric Construction Analysis
  2.5 Geometric Stability and Static Determinacy
 Chapter 3 Statically Determinate Structures
  3.1 Introduction
  3.2 Statically Determinate Beams and Plane Frames
  3.3 Threehinged Arches
  3.4 Statically Determinate Plane Trusses
  3.5 Composite Structures
  3.6 Statically Determinate Space Structures
  3.7 General Features of Statically Determinate Structures
 Chapter 4 Influence Line of Statically Determinate Structures
  4.1 General Concepts of Moving Loads and Influence Lines
  4.2 Static Method
  4.3 Kinematic Method
  4.4 Combined Method
  4.5 Application of Influence Lines
  4.6 Envelope Diagram and Absolute Maximum Bending Moment
 Chapter 5 Structural DisplacementCalculation
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 Principle of Virtual Work of Deformable Bodies
  5.3 General Formula and Unit Load Method
  5.4 Calculation of Load Induced Displacements
  5.5 Graphmultiplication Method
  5.6 Calculation of Nonload Actions Induced Displacements
  5.7 Reciprocal Theorems of Linear Elastic Systems
 Chapter 6 Force Method
  6.1 Basic Concepts of Force Method
  6.2 Degree of Indeterminacy and Primary Structures
  6.3 Principles and Equations of Force Method
  6.4 Analysis Examples of Force Method
  6.5 Analysis of Symmetric Structures
  6.6 Force Method Analysis Under Nonload Actions
  6.7 Displacement Calculation of Statically Indeterminate Structures
  6.8 Internal Force Check of Statically Indeterminate Structures
  6.9 Statically Indeterminate Arches
 Chapter 7 Displacement Method
  7.1 Basic Concepts of Displacement Method
  7.2 Primary Unknowns and Primary Structure of Displacement Method
  7.3 Slopedeflection Equations
  7.4 Principles and Equations of Displacement Method
  7.5 Analysis Examples of Displacement Method
  7.6 Analysis of Symmetric Structures
  7.7 Displacement Method Analysis Under Nonload Actions
 Chapter 8 Matrix Displacement Method
  8.1 Introduction
  8.2 Basic Principles of Matrix Displacement Method
  8.3 Element Stiffness Matrix
  8.4 Direct Stiffness Method
  8.5 Preprocessing Method
  8.6 Equivalent Nodal Loads
 Chapter 9 Practical Calculation Methods and Conceptual Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures
  9.1 Introduction
  9.2 Moment Distribution Method
  9.3 Shear Force Distribution Method
  9.4 Conceptual Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures
  9.5 Influence Lines of Statically IndeterminateStructures
 Chapter 10 Structural Dynamics
  10.1 Introduction
  10.2 Degree of Freedom of Vibrational Systems
  10.3 Equations of Motion of SDOF Systems
  10.4 Free Vibration of SDOF Systems
  10.5 Forced Vibration of SDOF Systems
  10.6 Free Vibration of MDOF Systems
  10.7 Orthogonality of Principal Mode Shapes
  10.8 Forced Vibration of MDOF Systems
  10.9 Free Vibration of Systems with Infinite Degrees of Freedom
  10.10 Approximate Methods for Determination of Natural Frequencies
  10.11 Finite Element Method for Determination of Natural Frequencies
 Chapter 11 Elastic Stability of Structures
  11.1 Introduction
  11.2 Stability of Systems with Finite Degrees of Freedom
  11.3 Static Method for Critical Load of Elastic Compressed Bars
  11.4 Energy Method for Critical Load of Elastic Compressed Bars
  11.5 Stability of Composite Compressed Members
  11.6 Stability of Frames
  11.7 Stability of Arches and Narrow Beams
 Chapter 12 Plastic Analysis and Ultimate Loads of Structures
  12.1 Introduction
  12.2 Ultimate Bending Moment and Plastic Hinges
  12.3 Ultimate Load of Beams
  12.4 General Theorems of Ultimate Load of Structures
  12.5 Ultimate Load of Plane Frames
 Appendix A Answers to Selected Problems
 Appendix B Contents of Digital Resources
 Main References